Onion rings stuffed with guacamole recipe

Guacamole Stuffed Onion Rings are an easy and very tasty appetizer. You just have to take the homemade onion rings, fill them and coat them to savor this delicious recipe that we present to you. I assure you that you will not be able to resist these battered onion rings if you like guacamole and also onion. Take a look at the step by step and discover how to make a delicious appetizer for any occasion.

Ingredients to make Onion Rings Stuffed with Guacamole:

  • 6 avocado
  • 3 Onions
  • 3 limes
  • 1 tomato
  • 6 sprigs of Fresh Coriander
  • 2 tablespoons of minced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • to batter
  • flower
  • eggs
  • bread crumbs

How to make Guacamole Stuffed Onion Rings:

  1. To start preparing these tasty onion rings stuffed with guacamole, the first step is to gather all the necessary ingredients.
  2. Next, place the mashed avocado with a fork and mixed in a bowl, and add one of the chopped onions and tomato, the chopped coriander, the juice of the limes, the ground garlic and the salt, and stir everything well to have the guacamole ready and be able to fill the homemade onion rings.
  3. Then peel and wash the remaining onions and cut them into rings.
  4. You will get different sizes of onion rings but don’t worry about that.
  5. Next, take a metal or oven tray; place a sheet of parchment paper on the base and the homemade onion rings on top.
  6. Then fill them with the original guacamole without the filling standing out too much, to make good battered onion rings.
  7. You can go by putting several layers of parchment paper and onion rings so that you can fit more in the same tray and save space.
  8. Once you have all the onion rings stuffed with avocado, put the tray in the freezer and wait about 3/4 hours for them to freeze well, so that you can later coat the onion rings.
  9. When the stuffed onion rings have frozen, place a plate with flour, another with beaten egg and another with the breadcrumbs and coat the onion rings in this order.
  10. If you want to give these battered onion rings an extra crispy touch, repeat this operation 2 times without going through the flour again.
  11. Next, fry all the onion rings stuffed with guacamole and battered in flour, egg and breadcrumbs in a pan with plenty of hot oil until golden.
  12. ET voila! Here you have your onion rings stuffed with guacamole ready.
  13.  To decorate the dish you can chop little chives and sprinkle it on top and put a little homemade mayonnaise sauce or sour cream to dip with the breaded onion rings.

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