Oaxaca Stone Broth Recipe

The stone broth is an Oaxaca dish symbol of coexistence and peace, as well as distinction.

This soup with fish was prepared collectively, on the banks of the river. Its peculiarity is that it was prepared in stone bowls, to which fish and shellfish, herbs, etc. were added. The cooking was carried out by heating small stones in burning wood until they were red hot, which were then added to the bowl that served as a pot. This way of preparation gives it a unique and exquisite flavor.

Ingredients to make Oaxaca Stone Broth:

  • 4 units of river stones
  • 500 grams of fish fillet
  • 250 grams of shrimp
  • 2 pieces of medium tomatoes
  • 1 unit of Onion
  • 1 branch of Epazote
  • 1 sprig of Coriander
  • 2 pieces of green chilies
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 2 liters of water

How to make Oaxaca stone broth:

  • The first thing we will do is gather what is necessary to make the stone broth. It is advisable to look for river stones.
  • Trick: Originally it is prepared in gourds, but we will use a clay pot.
  • We wash the stones perfectly and put them to heat on a griddle or in the oven for 2 hours.
  • While the stones are heating, we are going to wash and chop the tomato and onion. The cilantro and the epazote we wash and disinfect. We are going to chop the green chili finely.
  • Shrimp and fish rinse with cold water.
  • Tip: We recommend that the fish be fillets, although it can also be prepared with pieces of fish.
  • In the clay pot we are going to accommodate the ingredients. Place the coriander leaves and epazote. Then the tomato and onion
  • Next, we add the water leaving room for the fish and shrimp.
  • Add the fish, shrimp and salt to taste.
  • Finally, with the help of a clamp, we take the stones into the pot. Remember that the stones must be very well washed and previously heated.
  • Once the stones are placed, they are left for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. We will notice the color change in the fish and shrimp, as well as in the broth.
  • Trick: We can change the stones, so that the cooking is to our liking.
  • After the time, we remove the stones, and taste this typical dish. Oaxaca stone broth is very easy to make and its unique flavor is given by its peculiar cooking method.

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