Oatmeal Soup Recipe for Dinner

Oatmeal is famous for its well-known slimming attributes. This food can become your best ally when it comes to losing weight in a healthy way. Even celiac can consume this grain as long as they verify on the product labels that it does not contain gluten. With this caveat in mind, oatmeal is one of the most effective foods for weight loss and good nutrition. Because it has among its qualities the ability to create satiety and detoxify the body.

There are many ways to consume oats: in water, in smoothies, pastries and soups. Perhaps one of the most effective for losing weight is water and soups. At this article, we share with you a perfect recipe for anyone who needs to lose a few extra kilos or who wants to stay in shape: oatmeal soup for dinner. A light, healthy and very effective soup for both dinner and breakfast. Also very tasty, economical and very easy to prepare!

Ingredients to make oatmeal soup for dinner:

  • ½ cup oatmeal
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 spring onions, scallions or green onions
  • 1 corvette or Italian zucchini
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 celery
  • 2 cups of chopped spinach
  • 1 liter of water or vegetable broth
  • 1 can of sweet corn or 2 ears
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make oatmeal soup for dinner:

  • Place the oats in a bowl with water the night before preparation. The next day, discard the water, wash the cereal twice under the tap, drain and reserve. By soaking this cereal before preparing it, you get a much more digestible and tasty oatmeal and vegetable soup.
  • Wash and chop the vegetables, preferably into cubes. Cut the branches finely or in slices, except the spinach, which you should chop with your hands or a plastic knife, discarding the stem first. And if you want to use natural corn, wash, peel and shell the cob. Then, pour water into a saucepan and add the grains. Let them cook until the grain feels tender. Calculate an average of 20 minutes, a little more or less, everything will depend on the type of corn and its maturity. On the other hand, if you prefer canned corn, just discard the water, wash a little under the tap and drain with a strainer. Then, place a pan with olive oil, wait for the oil to heat up and, meanwhile, organize the next step.
  • Pour a liter of water or vegetable broth into a saucepan. Cook the oatmeal for 10 minutes, over medium heat. You will see how easy and fast this oatmeal soup is prepared for dinner!
  • Sauté chopped vegetables (except spinach) over medium heat. Stir and salt and pepper. When you see that the onion is transparent, remove the sauce from the heat. In this step all the flavor of this healthy oatmeal soup is concentrated.
  • Tip: It is advisable not to overcook the vegetables, as they will also cook in the pan with the oats later.
  • Add the soffit to the saucepan with the oats and stir. If you notice that the oatmeal and vegetable soup is too thick, add more water. Rectify the salt if necessary.
  • During the final 3 to 5 minutes of cooking the soup, add the spinach. It is advisable to wait until this time, because if you cook them too much, they lose many nutrients.

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