Oat wraps recipe

For a healthy lunch or dinner these oatmeal wraps are ideal since I have decided to fill them with chicken (protein), vegetables and the starch that is the dough of the oatmeal wrap itself. This aven fajita dough is used to get a very simple dish to prepare and if the children also help you in the kitchen, they will also love it since it is a healthy dish but at the same time very attractive for them.

Ingredients to make oat wraps:

• 100 grams of flour

• 100 grams of oatmeal

• 150 milliliters of water

• 1 teaspoon baking powder

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 splash of oil

• 1 pinch of black pepper

• 1 pinch of thyme powder

How to make oat wraps:

In a bowl we put the flour, the oats, the water, the yeast, the spices and the salt, and mix until we get a smooth dough.

Tip: If the wrap dough is too dry, you can add more water until you get a doughy but firm dough.

Let the dough for fajitas or oatmeal tortillas rest for 20 minutes covered with a rolling pin. We sprinkle the kitchen table and the rolling pin with flour so that the dough does not stick to us and we make the oat wraps stretching it and cutting it in the shape of pancakes.

We make the oatmeal fajita dough on a griddle/grill on both sides to cook and until golden brown.

Fill the oatmeal wraps with a vegetable and chicken ratatouille as an omelet and then close them as I have done.

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