Oasis Salad Recipe

Fresh salads are popular dishes among people who are on a weight loss diet or those who only consume vegetables and fruits. But this type of dish should not be exclusive to these situations; we should all consume them frequently to stay in good health.

For this reason, we will teach you how to prepare the famous oasis salad, which is a fruit and spinach salad that everyone at home will love. We invite you to join us in its preparation.

Ingredients to make Oasis Salad:

  • 1 bunch of fresh spinach
  • 2 pieces of apple
  • 1 cup of pomegranate granites
  • 250 grams of green grape
  • 250 grams of purple grape
  • 2 pieces of Ataulfo ​​Mango
  • 3 tablespoons of Sesame
  • 3 tablespoons of chopped walnut

How to make Oasis Salad:

These are the ingredients that we will use for the oasis salad. I recommend you gather them all to facilitate the preparation of our dish. We are going to start our preparation by washing and disinfecting the spinach perfectly. Later we slice them into small strips as we see in the image.

We continue chopping the apple into small squares. Remember to discard the heart of the fruit, but keeping the skin, that is, without peeling. Next we continue chopping the mango.

An easy way to peel and cut the mango is as we show you in the photo. Cut from side to side, leaving the seed with the least amount of flesh and make cross cuts without actually cutting through the thick skin of the fruit. Then you can easily remove the mango pieces.

Once our ingredients are ready, we continue incorporating them to form the salad. We start by putting the bed of spinach in the container, and then add the chopped apple and mango.

We continue adding green grapes and purple grapes, perfectly washed. If you see that they are very large you can cut them in half. We continue adding the pomegranate grains to give more life and color to our oasis salad. Finally, add the chopped walnut and sprinkle the sesame seeds all over the plate.

And ready! We can start enjoying this delicious oasis salad. Bon Appetite! This fruit salad is perfect for enjoying at dinner or serving as an appetizer at a special gathering.

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