Nougat custard recipe

This time, in this article, we bring you a great custard recipe. But they are nothing more than simple custards to which we are accustomed, since these are made of an aromatic nougat and they will melt in your mouth from the first spoonful. It is one of those desserts that will make you close your eyes to delight yourself, so do not get lost or these nougat custard will disappear very quickly from your refrigerator.

To prepare them you will only need 5 ingredients and in a few steps you can have delicious custards perfect for any special celebration with friends or family. Discover how to make nougat custard and let’s go with the recipe.

Ingredients to make Nougat Custard:

  • 3 glasses of semi-skimmed milk
  • 250 grams of soft nougat
  • 40 grams of cornmeal (⅓ cup)
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 glass of cooking cream (light)

How to make Nougat Custard:

  1. In a blender glass, introduce the milk, but keep about 3 fingers for later. Add the cooking cream and beat by hand or with blades.
  2. If you beat the mixture in a mixer, do it on slow speed for 1 minute.
  3. Also add the nougat and continue beating for 2 more minutes at minimum speed. You will obtain a liquid and very aromatic cream.
  4. Add a heaping tablespoon of brown sugar. Dissolve the sugarin the same already whipped cream, it is not necessary to activate the mixer, you simply have to dissolve the sugar.
  5. Tip: If you wish, you can do without sugar, because the nougat is already quite sweet.
  6. Put a saucepan on the fire and pour all the nougat whipped cream.
  7. Go heating over low heat without letting it boil. Stir often so that the mixture does not stick to the pan.
  8. Meanwhile, dissolve the cornmeal in the milk that you had reserved, this must be at room temperature.
  9. Stir until completely diluted.
  10. Add this mixture of flour and milk to the saucepan, stirring constantly.
  11. This step is important so that lumps do not form and a perfect nougat custard com
  12. es out. Stir without letting it rest and after a few minutes you will notice that the mixture begins to thicken. Continue mixing for 3 more minutes.
  13. Once those minutes have elapsed, distribute the custard in the containers that you have prepared, then they will take on more body as they cool, you can sprinkle a little cinnamon powder, cream or syrup, of the flavors that you like the most, although like us, we decided to use a little cinnamon so as not to distort the flavor of the exceptional and unmistakable nougat.
  14. Trick: Leave the custard cooling for 4 hours in the fridge covered with plastic wrap or aluminum foil.


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