Nopal Sopes Recipe with Philadelphia

Mexican sopes are one of the most popular appetizers among the population of that same country. These are small thick corn tortillas to which refried beans, grated cheese, the sauce of choice and a little lettuce are usually added.

This time we bring you a delicious recipe for nopal sopes with Philadelphia, which will be made not from corn dough but from fresh nopal, which will serve as a container for our sopes. In addition to all the nopal is a great food since it is a source of a large amount of fiber, it contains vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C and K, and it also contains high amounts of chlorophyll.

Due to all these components, nopal is an excellent functional food to keep our body healthy. We invite you to stay with us and together we will prepare step by step this unique nopal sopes recipe that you cannot miss.

Ingredients to make Nopal Sopes with Philadelphia:

  • 10 pieces of medium Nopal
  • 1 cup of refried beans
  • 1 cup Philadelphia cream cheese
  • ½ piece of lettuce
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Nopal Sopes with Philadelphia:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare these delicious nopal sopes with Philadelphia. We are going to start our preparation of these Mexican sopes by giving our no pales a soup shape: for this we take a cup, a lid or something round we place it on a nopal, with the help of a knife we ​​begin to cut the nopal so that it acquires a round shape. On the other hand, we finely slice the lettuce and place it in a little water with vegetable disinfectant to clean it perfectly. Let it rest for 5 minutes in the water. Meanwhile we take our nopal sopes, add a pinch of salt and pepper and place them on the hot griddle or griddle to roast them. We let them cook until we see that they change color.

Once ready, we remove them from the hot griddle, place them on a wooden board or a plate and spread them with a little refried beans on their surface. Right away we take the Philadelphia cream cheese and in the same way as the beans we spread a little on each nopal sope, on the beans. AND READY! We serve these nopal sopes with Philadelphia accompanied by a little lettuce and the sauce that you like the most, such as a red taquera sauce for example. You will see that these Mexican sopes are delicious and super healthy.

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