Nopal huarache recipe with steak

In Mexico we have a dish called “huarache”, which consists of a tortilla prepared with corn dough that is somewhat thicker than normal and that is approximately the length of two standard-size tortillas. On this tortilla you can place countless stews or combinations between vegetables and proteins, which makes it a dish with great variety.

This time we have decided to bring you the traditional and very popular huarache de nopales, which will be combined with one of the most used meats in gastronomy, a delicious beef steak that we will cook accompanied by delicious fried onions. If you are interested in our proposal? Well, we invite you to stay with us and together we will prepare this delicious nopal huarache with steak step by step. You will be surprised by how easy it is to prepare and how amazing it tastes!

Ingredients to make Huarache de nopal with steak:

  • 1 kilogram of corn dough
  • 6 pieces of fresh Nopales
  • 500 grams of beef steak
  • 1 piece of onion
  • 2 cups of refried beans
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of oil

How to make Huarache de nopal with steak:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare this delicious nopal huarache with steak. To begin we are going to cook the nopales, for this we must first have cut them into small thin rectangles. Then we place them in a saucepan with boiling water, add a piece of onion, a clove of garlic, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of baking soda. And let them cook for about 10 minutes over medium heat. Once this time has passed, we remove the nopales from the fire, drain the water and reserve a moment.

On the other hand, we take the corn dough, add a splash of water and knead it to soften it. Now with the help of a manual tortilla making machine we form a corn tortilla. If we don’t have a machine we do it with our hands, no problem, just take care that the dough doesn’t break. We make the tortilla bigger and bigger until it is the size of two regular tortillas. Once our huge huarache tortillas are ready, we place them on the hot griddle or griddle and let them cook over medium heat. We turn them from time to time so that they cook evenly.

On the other hand, take the remaining onion and slice it into thin slices, once ready, fry them together with the beef steak, add a pinch of salt and pepper to the meat, stir constantly to integrate everything and cook it evenly. Once ready, we remove everything from the fire and reserve a moment. On the other hand, once our huarache tortilla is well cooked, we spread some of the refried beans on it, as shown in the following image.

Right after the refried beans, we add the steak along with a little of the onion with which it was fried. We arrange so that the steak is spread over the entire surface of the tortilla. Finally, we add the cooked nopales, also ensuring that they are spread over the entire surface of the tortilla. AND READY! Serve your nopal huaraches with steak warm. You can accompany them with a little sliced ​​lettuce, cheese and the sauce of your choice, such as a red taquera sauce. Bon Appetite!

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