Noodles with Pigeons Recipe

Ingredients to make Noodles with Pigeons:

  • Three quarters of a kilo of noodles.
  • Six chicks.
  • One large chopped onion.
  • A grated carrot.
  • Two peeled and chopped tomatoes.
  • A tablespoon of tomato paste.
  • A tablespoon of soaked and chopped mushrooms.
  • Two bay leaves.
  • Two tablespoons of oil.
  • A glass of red wine.
  • Half a tablespoon of sugar.
  • Salt to taste.

How to make Noodles with Pigeons:

  1. Clean the pigeons well and remove the entrails.
  2. In a saucepan with oil and a little butter, brown the pigeons well.
  3. Separately prepare the sauce.
  4. For this, fry the onion well and when it is ready, add the grated carrot with the mushrooms and the tomatoes that have been boiled in hot water, peeled and strained.
  5. When everything is well fried and the tomato has been consumed a bit, add half a teaspoon of sugar precisely to remove the acid from the tomato.
  6. Then add the chicks.
  7. Wait for 5 minutes to boil; you add your point of salt and continue cooking a few more minutes.
  8. If the sauce is too thick you can add some boiled water.
  9. Before removing from the heat, pour a glass of red wine.
  10. With this sauce, cover the noodles previously boiled in salted water, and drained appropriately.

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