Neapolitan Empanada Recipe

Ingredients to make Neapolitan Empanada:

  • 12 empanadas tapas (see basic dough’s in bakery and pastry)

For the filling

  • 300g of ricotta
  • 200g grated or cubed mozzarella cheese
  • 150g of chopped Calabria sausage
  • 100g grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 medium beaten eggs (reserve a little to paint)
  • 1 tomato, peeled, seeded, diced
  • Salt
  • Pepper to taste

How to make Neapolitan Empanada:

In a bowl mix the ricotta, with the mozzarella, the tomato, the chopped sausage, the Parmesan cheese and the egg and season with a little salt and pepper. Fill the discs of empanadas, moisten the edges with water and close the empanadas making the repulgue.

Paint with the rest of the reserved egg and bake in a very hot oven on an oiled plate until the dough is golden.

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