Nayarit Style Mexican Poole Recipe

Poole is one of the most traditional stews of Mexican cuisine. In this recipe we will teach you how to cook it in the Nayarit style, with a lot of flavor, textures and aromas. Do not miss it and cook this incredible Mexican pooled, without a doubt, it will surprise you.

Ingredients to make Nayarit-style Mexican Poole:

  • 1 kilogram of corn
  • 1 tablespoon quicklime (calcium hydroxide)
  • 1 head of Garlic
  • 2 units of onion
  • 1 pinch of oregano
  • 4 units of wide chilies
  • 2 kilograms of pork meat
  • 1 unit of lettuce
  • 1 unit of long radish
  • 20 units of Lemons
  • Poole willow
  • 6 units of piquing peppers

How to make Nayarit-style Mexican Poole:

  1. For this dish, I recommend drinking 2 shots (one ounce each) of reposed tequila (Don Porphyria, Don Julio, Cazadores, Herrera) one hour beforehand, firstly to liven up the atmosphere, secondly to whet your appetite and thirdly to feel very Mexican.
  2. The stew can be accompanied by beer (I recommend the Pacifica, which is usually very regional, alternatively Corona or Sol) or teacher, which will be a recipe for another occasion. The day before, the corn is washed well and then it is left to soak in water overnight. The next day the corn is boiled and the lime previously dissolved in water is added.
  3. When the corn begins to skin, turn off the heat and wash the corn again, removing all the skin that it releases. In another pot, put 3/4 of the head of garlic with the onion and add the peeled corn. When the corn is al dente, add the meat and add salt to taste. Besides, it is ground (liquefied is better, we must not waste the new technology) peeled garlic, soaked childcare, oregano and salt. The resulting will be added to the pooled.
  4. The lettuce is thinly sliced, and the radish is cut into slices. The lemons are cut in half. Everything is placed on individual servers. The 6 chilies are cooked and then blended with garlic and a dash of vinegar (this sauce keeps very well given the characteristics of vinegar). It is placed in a container for sauce.
  5. Add oregano to the pot of pooled, watering it around to taste. At the table, lemon juice, onion, lettuce, radishes and chili sauce are served on the plate according to the diner’s taste.

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