Mushroom toast with cheese recipe

Are you on one of those days where you don’t know what to prepare for lunch? Do you have a craving for something tasty but simple and practical? What do you think of toast?  These are super versatile, varied, practical and very simple appetizers to prepare, so this time and so that you don’t continue to complicate yourself, we have an excellent idea for you, a recipe for Mexican toast.

It is about delicious mushroom toast with cheese which we will combine with a little tasty chorizo, what do you think of the idea?

Well, we invite you to stay with us and together we will prepare these delicious mushroom toasts step by step. You will be surprised by the flavor and you will love how easy it is to prepare them!

Ingredients to make Mushroom Toast with Cheese:

  • 8 pieces of corn tortilla
  • 3 cups of Mushrooms
  • 300 grams of Chorizo
  • 150 grams of string cheese
  • 4 piece of onion
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 dessert spoon of oil

How to make Cheesy Mushroom Toast:

To prepare these mushroom cheese toasties, the first thing you need to do is gather all the ingredients that we are going to use. To begin, we fry the chorizo , in a pan previously heated over medium heat, without adding oil, place the chorizo, add the chopped onion and let it brown perfectly, stirring constantly so that it does not stick. Once the chorizo ​​is golden, add the mushrooms, previously sliced ​​into 3 mm slices and perfectly clean, and let them cook together with the chorizo. On the other hand, we take the corn tortillas and place them on the griddle, and let them brown so they are perfect for our Mexican tostadas.

Once the corn tortilla is golden, we add a little of our chorizo ​​and mushroom stew on top, we unravel a little string cheese, and we place it on top of the chorizo ​​and mushrooms. Once our mushroom toast with cheese is gratin, they will be ready to be enjoyed, accompanied by a little chopped coriander and seasoned with your favorite sauce.

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