Mushroom ravioli recipe

Have you ever wondered how to make homemade stuffed pasta? If so, we give you the answer and we anticipate that it is much easier than it seems. Keep reading and discover the keys to learning how to prepare mushroom ravioli in sauce.

Ingredients to make Mushroom Ravioli:

  • 1 unit of filled pasta dough
  • 250 grams of sliced ​​mushrooms
  • 1 unit of red onion
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 pinch of garlic paste
  • 1 teaspoon of Butter
  • 1 teaspoon of Parsley
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Mushroom Ravioli:

  1. The first step to make the mushroom ravioli recipes is to prepare the ingredients.
  2. Bring a skillet over medium heat with a teaspoon of olive oil, and add the finely chopped red onionwith salt and black pepper to taste when the oil is hot
  3. Add the finely chopped mushroomswith a little butter and sauté them very well until the ingredients of the pasta filling are integrated.
  4. You can use the mushrooms that you like the most to fill the ravioli.
  5. Add the white wine and thefinely chopped parsley, let the preparation preserve for another five minutes and turn off the heat.
  6. Let the mushroom filling for ravioli cool.
  7. Stretch the stuffed pasta doughto start forming the ravioli. You can buy the dough already prepared or make it yourself at home.
  8. the mas are divided into two halves, we will place the filling on one and we will use the other to cover it.
  9. Add a teaspoon of the mushroom fillingon the dough with some separation between tablespoon and tablespoon; look at the photograph to do it in the same way.
  10. Cut the squares.
  11. Take the second sheet of pasta and cut squares of the same size to cover the filling and form the stuffed pasta.
  12. To seal the edges, press with the tips of a fork.
  13. Bring a pot over medium heat with water and, when it is boiling, add the mushroom raviolito cook until soft or al dente.
  14. When the stuffed pasta is cooked, remove it from the heat and drain it.
  15. Then, take a skillet over medium heat and add a little béchamel sauceto finish the recipe.
  16. When it is hot, add the ravioli and let them soak up the sauce.
  17. Serve the homemade mushroom ravioli bysprinkling some Parmesan cheese on top and finely chopped almonds.

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