Mushroom Quiche Recipe

Salty tarts are one of those recipes that, if we have a little time and the right ingredients, change our routine of always eating the same thing and offer us a wide variety of flavors in each bite. Although they may not seem like it, they are very easy to make and can be prepared with an infinite number of ingredients.

And among all the savory tarts, the mushroom quiche is one of our favorites. This tart delight can be made with a puff pastry base, but you can also use short crust pastry. No matter how you want to prepare it, it will become one of your favorite weekend or picnic lunches (not to mention that you can save it to enjoy on weekdays too). We invite you to continue reading and discover how to make mushroom quiche

Ingredients to make Mushroom Quiche:

• 1 sheet of puff pastry

• 250 grams of mushrooms

• 1 onion

• 2 eggs

• 150 milliliters of cream to cook

• 50 grams of grated cheese

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 splash of olive oil

How to make Mushroom Quiche:

Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Put a frying pan over medium heat with a splash of olive oil. Chop the onion into small pieces, add it to the pan and let it cook a little. When the onion begins to take color, add the sliced mushrooms. While the mushrooms are cooking, prepare the base for the Mushroom and Onion Quiche. Take a mold and cover it with the puff pastry, seal it well to the mold and trim the excess edges. Prick all over the dough so it doesn’t puff up too much. In a bowl, add the eggs, beat them and add the liquid cream, the grated cheese and a little salt. Stir and mix well.

When the mushrooms are, distribute them very well on the cake. Pour a layer of the egg mixture all over the cake. Put the quiche in the oven for 20 or 30 minutes until you see it golden. When it’s ready, take it out, let it rest for about 5 minutes and your mushroom quiche is ready to serve. It’s delicious!

Mushroom quiche – Tips and other recipes

The quiche is a French recipe that has conquered more than one heart in international borders. The original recipe has evolved and today it is possible to prepare it with many ingredients or make our own combinations.

If you want to prepare a super authentic quiche with that homemade flavor that suits us so well, it is best to prepare your own short crust or puff pastry. If you’re in trouble, no problem, you can buy it at the supermarket, but if you dare, here are the dough recipes for you to prepare a very own mushroom and onion quiche from the first step to the end: puff pastry and short crust pastry recipe for quiche.

Get to know other quiche recipes and encourage yourself to incorporate them into your menu with these that we suggest below:

• Quiche Lorraine

• Bacon and goat cheese quiche

• Vegetable Quiche

• Leek and Mushroom Quiche

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