Mushroom ceviche recipe

Mushroom ceviche is an alternative dish to the traditional Peruvian ceviche, it is an option for people who do not want to consume animal meat. This can be consumed as a starter or as a main dish. The main ingredients are the following: lemon, mushrooms, garlic, red onion, coriander and chili pepper. The amount of spice will depend on the taste of each person. It is usually accompanied with glazed sweet potatoes, chulpi or serrana canchita and with a lettuce leaf. In some cases, pieces of avocado and cherry tomato are added. We point out that the preparation of this dish is fast and very simple.

Wondering how to make mushroom ceviche? Well, we want to teach you how to prepare this delicious and nutritious dish from home. Follow these steps and enjoy a

Ingredients to make Mushroom Ceviche:

• 450 grams of mushrooms

• ½ red onion

• 1 lemon

• ½ ginger or ginger

• ½ chili limo

• 1 clove garlic

• 2 sprigs of coriander

• 1 corn

• 1 dessert spoon of brown sugar

How to make Mushroom Ceviche:

To prepare a rich mushroom ceviche, you must first cook the shelled corn in boiling water with a tablespoon of brown sugar. With the help of a knife, cut the onion into julienne strips (thin strips) and reserve it in ice water to preserve the crispness of the onion. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices. Reserve in a bowl and add a pinch of salt so that the mushrooms begin to sweat.

With a knife, remove the veins from the chili limo and cut into small pieces. Grate the ginger with a greater. Also, you must squeeze and remove the liquid from the grated ginger.

If you want to learn how to cook a delicious vegan ceviche , this recipe is for you. In a medium bowl, add the lemon juice, ginger, ají limo and a clove of garlic. Let infuse for 5 minutes.

Tip: it is recommended to crush the clove of garlic with the help of a knife to obtain more aroma and flavor.

Remove the garlic clove and coriander sprig from the infusion. Incorporate the same infusion in the bowl of mushrooms. Mix with the help of a spoon. Add the onion and the shelled corn. There’s little left to have the rich vegan ceviche ready! Decorate with finely chopped coriander and serve with sweet potato, chills or canchita chulpi. Ready and enjoy this vegetarian ceviche!

Nutritional value of mushroom ceviche

The mushroom is a vegetable that contains a large amount of minerals such as: magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, zinc and potassium. Additionally, the beta-glucans within mushrooms help support the immune system. Each 100 grams of mushroom contains 4.25 grams of protein, 0.54 grams of carbohydrate and 1.2% fat. In addition, you can make a mushroom ceviche with avocado, a mushroom ceviche with heart of palm, a vegan mushroom ceviche and many other combinations according to your tastes.

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