Multicolored Canapés Recipe

Canapés are those delicious snacks that are served as an appetizer to liven up parties and special gatherings. On this occasion you will learn to make mini tricolor sandwiches with which you will surprise all your guests. A quick and easy recipe that you can modify to your liking. Cheer up and prepare some delicious multicolored canapés this Christmas or for the next birthday.

Ingredients to make multicolored Canapés:

  • 1 loaf of sliced ​​bread
  • 1 jar of Pickles
  • 2 units of red peppers
  • 1 jar of anchovies
  • 1 package of cheese slices
  • 1 packet of butter

How to make multicolored Canapés:

To make these delicious canapés, the first thing to do is prepare the ingredients. To do this, cut the peppers into julienne strips and the pickles into slices. We’ll be layering the sandwich so have the butter handy. To make the layers of the colored canapés, spread all the sides of the bread with butter, the middle layers must have butter on both sides so that they stick well.

Now we go with the layers of this ideal dish to serve at Christmas. Place the cheese slices on the first layer, it can be Gouda, Edam or cheddar cheese. In the next layer add the red peppers, then the anchovies and finally the pickles and the last slice of bread with butter on one side.

Trick: Play with the fillings of your colored canapés, you can include your favorite ingredients and change the colors of the canapés

Wrap the ready-made colored towers in foil or foil. Try to adjust as much as possible. You can place the canapés in a Tupperware-type mold and place some weight on top, such as juice or milk containers. This will make the sandwiches compact. Store in the fridge and let them take shape overnight. When you take them out, discard the paper and cut each sandwich into 3 or 4 pieces so that the colors can be distinguished. You can keep them in the fridge for up to two days before cutting them. Serve these delicious canapés at parties, birthdays and gatherings with some cheese fingers, some dumplings and a fruit cocktail.

Trick: You can present the canapés cut triangularly, decorating each mini sandwich with an olive skewered on a toothpick.

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