Mullet Eggs Recipe

There are different techniques for cooking shell eggs and the mullet eggs that we present below is one of the most popular. These eggs differ from soft- boiled eggs because the white is much more cooked, although without reaching the cooking point present in typical hard-boiled eggs. Of course, for these eggs to be at their right cooking point, it is very important that they are at room temperature before cooking them, so remove them from the fridge well in advance.

Mullet eggs are normally consumed for breakfast, but the truth is that they can also be eaten for dinner or as an accompaniment to meat, fish or vegetables. Thus, if you want to give your children something healthy and with extra vitamins, don’t hesitate and try to prepare some delicious eggs for them in just 5 minutes, although the final cooking time may vary depending on the size of the egg. Keep reading and discover how to make mullet eggs.

Ingredients to make mullet eggs:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 liter of water

How to make Mullet Eggs:

  1. Dissolve the salt in a saucepan with water and heat it. This will help the eggshell come off more easily when peeling them.
  2. Separately, prepare a container with cold water or ice cubes.
  3. When you see that the water is boiling strongly, introduce the eggs being careful not to break the shell. To do this, use a spoon or a saucepan to deposit them.
  4. Tip: Remember that the eggs should be at room temperature, so you should have taken them out of the fridge about 3 hours before.
  5. Set a timer to cook the mullet eggs for exactly 5 minutes, not one more.
  6. Respecting the cooking time of the mullet eggs is the most important thing so that they come out with the curdled white and the creamy yolk, at its point.
  7. After this time, immediately put the eggs in the container with the cold water or ice cubes to stop the cooking.
  8. If you don’t have L eggs, here are the cooking times for mullet eggs in other sizes: Egg S: 4 minutes Egg M: 4-5 minutes Egg L: 5 minutes
  9. Peeling these types of eggs is a bit more complicated because they are not fully cooked, although the white is more cooked than with other culinary techniques.
  10. However, you can always serve them in an egg cup to prevent the yolk from falling. The mullet egg recipe can be eaten in many ways, on toast spread with tomato, with a little oil and salt, with a little pepper

Mullet eggs – Accompaniments and recommendations

As we said at the beginning, there are different ways to prepare eggs and all of them vary depending on the cooking time. This type can also be altered within the same recipe due to the size of the eggs, since it will not take as long to make a small egg as a very large one. Of course, never leave the eggs cooking for more than 5 minutes because then the yolk will curdle and they will no longer be mullet eggs. Likewise, leaving them for less time than indicated may mean that the egg white does not set and, therefore, the result is soft-boiled eggs.


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