Muffins with beans and cheese recipe

I am a lover of Mexican cuisine; I love all its ingredients, flavors and textures, because I deeply admire its gastronomy. Well, whenever I come across recipes from other countries I love to explore and get my best dish, since there are always different versions of the same preparation that vary depending on the region in which we find ourselves.

This time we are going to prepare a very simple dish, muffins with beans and cheese. Mullets are snacks of Arab origin, which you can eat as a snack or main course. I must confess that this dish has fascinated me and has delighted my guests, I hope you like it too! Keep reading and discover the ingredients and the step by step of this Mexican recipe.

Ingredients to make Muffins with beans and cheese:

  • 2 pieces of bread
  • 1 cup of cooked beans
  • 4 pieces of Chorizo
  • 80 grams of mozzarella cheese
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 onion
  • 10 grams of butter
  • 1 pinch of dried parsley
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Muffins with Beans and Cheese:

1.To start the recipe for Mexican mullets you must prepare the necessary ingredients.

2.With the cooked beans, what you should do is puree them with the help of a food processor or blender. This preparation is known as refried beans.

3.Take a large skillet with the butter over medium-low heat and add the breads. In my case I used hamburger buns that I had in the pantry, but you can use the type of bun that you like the most. You just have to cut it in half to get slices and that’s it. Brown the bread slices until golden brown and remove from heat.

4.Spread the refried beans with the help of a butter shovel or spatula on one of the buns, add a lot of grated mozzarella cheese and place them on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 180ºC and insert the muffins until the cheese melts.

5.With the tomato and onion, make an improvised Pico de Gallo. Simply chop the ingredients, mix them together and add coriander and lemon.

6.Serve the mullets with beans and cheese adding the previously sautéed chorizo ​​in squares and the Pico de Gallo, both seasonings to taste. Likewise, you can replace the chorizo ​​with ham or pork rinds.

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