Mozzarella Pizza Recipe (in the mold)

Ingredients to make Mozzarella Pizza (in the mould):

  • Pizza Recipe (To the mold)
  • For 1 pizza:
  • Flour type 0000 (sifted) 300 grs.
  • Fresh yeast 25 grams.
  • Oil (tablespoon) 1
  • Tomato sauce: (An example of preparation is described below).
  • Mozzarella: (200 grams per pizza), grated or cut into thin slices.
  • Olives (without stone)
  • oregano
  • ground chili
  • garlic
  • stiff
  • Bell peppers, etc. (optional).

How to make Mozzarella Pizza (in the mould):

  1. Dissolve by gently stirring the yeast in half a glass of barely lukewarm water with plus 1-2 teaspoons of sugar and leave to rest, covered, for about 10/15 minutes, after which it will foam.
  2. In a bowl, pour the sifted flour, add the salt and stir dry to mix well.
  3. Add the oil, the prepared yeast and then very little by little the barely lukewarm water as needed, beginning to mix gently by hand or with a wooden spoon.
  4. Once the mixture is homogenized, with a barely oiled hand, go over the entire bun on its surface so that it does not lose its moisture or dry out.
  5. The oil should not be exaggerated in any part of the process, since the proportions described at the beginning of this recipe would be altered.
  6. Cover very well, protecting from drafts and leave
  8. SEPARATELY: Coat a pizza pan completely with a minimum of oil.
  9. Distribute the bun in it as evenly as possible until you reach the edge of it, without abruptness or crushing it too much.
  10. PREPARATION OF THE SAUCE: There are a large number of ways to prepare it according to tastes and preferences.
  11. I will describe how I make it personally in a simple and fast way.
  12. For every two pizzas to prepare, I use a can of whole peeled plum tomatoes, which I open by completely removing the lid and draining the liquid as much as possible.
  13. I then add a teaspoon of sugar, salt to taste, 1 or 2 garlic cloves, a pinch of pepper, oregano, ground chili pepper and in the same can I process for a few seconds with a blender until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  14. It will result in a very simple, traditional and appetizing sauce.
  15. Book. After the first leavening, then distribute a ladle of the already prepared sauce as evenly as possible on the pizza, so that nothing more than that amount is initially impregnated in the dough.
  16. Cover well and leave again
  18. After which it is introduced into a preheated oven and adjusted to a temperature just a little less than the maximum and without opening it at all, leave it for 10 MINUTES, thus obtaining cooking similar to a commercial pre-pizza.
  19. Remove from oven.
  20. At this point, if you look at it by just lifting the dough with a fork, you will see that the bottom is a soft and even golden brown, keeping the dough good flexibility and spongy appearance.
  21. Then distribute very evenly the amount of sauce needed; sprinkle with oregano and ground chili pepper to taste, adding some optional preference such as a few slices of cold cuts, bell pepper (I use it canned and cut into thin slices), olives, etc., and finally incorporating the already prepared mozzarella.
  22. Place the pizza maker again but now below, on the oven rack, at the same temperature, so that it only receives heat from above.
  23. Let it cook for a few minutes (a little less than 10 depending on the type of oven, etc.) and watch from time to time until you reach the ideal point, which should be when the edge of the pizza is barely browned and the cheese is soft. You have completely melted.

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