Mozzarella Globe Recipe

We are going to play a little with modern cuisine, with siphons, with airs and give a different presentation to our salads and, above all, to play with mozzarella. Read on and discover how to make this mozzarella ball to serve your tomato salads, giving it a touch of originality.

Ingredients to make Mozzarella Balloon:

  • 1 piece of mozzarella cheese
  • 1 pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 handful of cherry tomatoes
  • 1 Siphon unit with 2 charges
  • 1 jet of oil
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
  • 1 pinch of oregano

How to make Mozzarella Balloon:

The first thing we are going to do is cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Then, we will place the halves in a bowl and add oil, salt, pepper, oregano and a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar cream. Mix well so that the tomatoes are impregnated with the dressing.

We place the seasoned tomatoes on the plate that we will use to serve the recipe and reserve. Now we take an empty siphon, add the two loads and put the flat accessory as a nozzle. Apart, we cut the mozzarella cheese into four pieces and put them in a pot with hot water.

After a few minutes, we will see that the texture of the cheese has changed, becoming more elastic. At this point, we remove it from the water.

We take a piece of mozzarella and fold it on itself several times so that when introducing the air it does not break. Then, we lightly crush the cheese with our hands to cover the mouthpiece of the siphon with it. We hold the base with our fingers and begin to add the air little by little. It is important to hold the base of the cheese well so that the air does not escape. You will see that the cheese inflates as if it were a balloon.

When we already have the mozzarella balloon formed, we remove the siphon and turn the base several times to seal it and prevent it from deflating. Then, we place it on the plate next to the seasoned tomatoes.

To finish the recipe, we add a little tomato dressing on top of the mozzarella ball. Clever! With this original cheese and tomato salad you will surely surprise all your guests.

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