Mozart Cake Recipe

The Mozart Cake, together with the Sacher cake, are the most popular cakes in Vienna and, although both are made with chocolate, their preparations are completely different. The Sacher cake surprises with a rich chocolate sponge filled with a thin layer of orange marmalade and covered with a rich and fine dark chocolate ganache. On the other hand, the Mozart cake is made up of three sablé biscuit discs filled with a chocolate mousse with apple chunks with cinnamon. Very different textures for two well-known Austrian recipes. For this reason, on this occasion, we will tell you how to make this well-known cake with all the tricks and details so that you do not get lost and can make it at home, as if you were a true pastry chef.

In this article we teach you how to make easy Mozart cake. Let’s go there!

Ingredients to make Mozart Cake:

  • For the sablé dough:
  • 350 grams of common flour (2½ cups)
  • 100 grams of ground almond
  • 150 grams of sugar (¾ cup)
  • 200 grams of cold unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 eggs M
  • For the chocolate mousse with apples:
  • 200 grams of sour apples (approx. one apple)
  • 15 grams of unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 pinch of ground cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons of dark rum
  • 75 milliliters of sour cream
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 250 grams of dark chocolate
  • 6 egg whites
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 75 grams of sugar
  • To decorate:
  • 50 grams of dark chocolate
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 piece of apple
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

How to make Mozart Cake:

  1. To make the Mozart cake recipe, you must first start by preparing the bases for the cake, three discs of sablé dough.
  2. To do this, put the flour in a bowl together with the sugar, the ground almonds, the cinnamon and the cold unsalted butter cut into pieces.
  3.  Mix everything well with your hands and with the help of your fingertips, undo the butter so that it integrates with the rest of the ingredients until you get a sawdust-like texture.
  4. Beat the eggs and add to the flour, sugar and butter mixture.
  5.  Knead again with your hands until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  6. Shape the sablé dough into a balland wrap in plastic wrap. Let rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  7. After the rest time, preheat the oven to 170 ºC and lightly flour a work surface, spread the dough on it. Next, with a floured rolling pin, roll out the dough and, with the ring of a removable mold of about 22 cm in diameter, cut three equal circles of dough.
  8. Deposit the circles on a tray lined with baking paper.
  9. You should know that the three circles will not fit on the same tray, you will have to use one more tray. Bake the sablé dough circles at 170ºC with heat on top and bottom for about 15 minutes or until the sablé cookie circles are golden.
  10. Let the cookie discs cool on a wire rack.
  11. Once you have made the sablé dough discs, make the chocolate mousse.
  12. To make it, core the apples, peel them and cut them into small cubes.
  13. Place a frying pan on the fire with the 15 grams of butter.
  14. When it is very hot, add the apple cubes along with a tablespoon of sugar and a little cinnamon to taste, stir.
  15. Let cook for about 15 minutes so that they caramelize a little, but without being soft.
  16. Now is the ideal time to add the three tablespoons of dark rum.
  17. Set the rum on fire so that the apples flame up and, when the small flames go out, remove and reserve on a plate.
  18. Chop the dark chocolatefinely to continue making the chocolate mousse.
  19. In a saucepan add the sour cream with a cinnamon stickand bring to a boil.
  20. Tip: if you don’t have sour cream, add 75 g of whipping cream, a teaspoon of lemon juice, stir well and let it rest for 15 minutes.
  21.  You will now have your homemade sour cream ready!
  22. When the sour cream boils, remove from the heat and add the chopped dark chocolate.
  23. Stir well with a few rods so that it dissolves with the residual heat and becomes a homogeneous chocolate cream.
  24. To continue with the chocolate mousse, beat the egg whites together with a pinch of salt using an electric mixer until soft peaks form.
  25. Next, add the 75 g of sugar and continue beating until strong peaks of whipped white are formed.
  26. Slowly add the whipped egg whites to the chocolate cream that you had made with a spatula.
  27. Also, go mixing gently until you add all the whites mounted. You should leave a homogeneous chocolate mousse.
  28. Now is the time to add the caramelized and flambéed apple pieces that you had reserved. Mix well with a spatula.
  29. It’s time to assemble the Mozart cake. To do this, first line the removable 22 cm diameter mold with baking paper and place one of the sablé cookie discs that you had reserved on the bottom.
  30. Put half of the chocolate mousse on top with the apples. Level well with the spatula.
  31. Cover with a second disc of sablé biscuitand add the last part of the chocolate mousse with apples. Finally, place the third disc of sablé dough and reserve in the fridge for about 4 hours so that the mixture compacts well.
  32. When the rest time has passed for the dough to compact, carefully unmold and remove the baking paper with which the Mozart cake had been lined.
  33. Next, with a vegetable peeler, make small flakes of dark chocolate and, with the help of a small spatula, stick the chocolate flakes around the cake until the sides are covered.
  34. Place a small plate in the center of the cake, on top of the saber biscuit. Next, sprinkle with the unsweetened cocoa powder with the help of a strainer so that it remains a smooth texture.
  35. Carefully remove the plate so as not to remove the cocoa powder and leave a clean circle, where the cookie can be seen in the center.
  36. Next, cut several thin slices from an unpeeled piece of apple and sprinkle a little lemon juice on top of the slices to prevent them from browning.
  37. Place pieces of apple in the center of the cake, one on top of the other as a final decoration.
  38. Keep the Vienna Mozart cake in the fridge until ready to eat. Be careful when cutting the portions, because the biscuit between the layers makes it a delicate cake.

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