Mousseline light cream recipe

The mousseline or muslin cream is one of the derivatives of the pastry cream, although its great difference is in the addition of butter. We point out that butter gives it a silky texture and body. In fact, this cream owes its name to its texture, because muslin, from the French mousseline, is a fine fabric. This cream is a simple preparation made from eggs, milk, flour and butter. It can be used as a filling for bills, cakes, pies or even to eat by the spoonful. It is a classic of French pastry, where they fill eclairs or profiteroles. In addition, it can be flavored to taste with chocolate, cinnamon, coffee, citrus zest, fresh fruits or dulce de leche.

In this article we teach you how to make light mousseline cream. Also, at the end of this recipe you will find instructions for making the strawberry mousseline and many more ideas to incorporate it into different desserts. Don’t miss this recipe!

 Ingredients to make Mousseline light cream:

  • 1 egg
  • 90 grams of sugar
  • 500 milliliters of milk
  • 60 grams of flour
  • 30 grams of butter
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 lemon (zest)

How to make Mousseline light cream:

  1. To start with the mousseline cream recipe, first mix the sugar and flour with the egg, using a hand mixer or fork.
  2. Meanwhile, heat the milkin a saucepan over medium heat
  3. When the milk has reached its boiling point, add it a little at a time to the flour, sugar and egg mixture.
  4. Meanwhile, beat to integrate the ingredients.
  5. Trick: following these steps, you will see that the cream will be smooth, without lumps.
  6. When you have achieved a homogeneous preparation and all the ingredients are incorporated, place the pot on the fire again.
  7.  We point out that you must maintain the medium heat while you mix, forming circles with the whisk until it thickens. So far, this is the preparation for the classic pastry cream. Also, below, we will make a difference to make it our mouselina cream.
  8. When the cream is thick, you can try it to confirm that the taste of flour is not noticeable.
  9. This will take you approximately 4 or 5 minutes. While it is still hot, add the butter and the essences that you have chosen, in this case, we add lemon zest and vanilla essence.
  10. Next, integrate the ingredients and refrigerate so that it takes on more body.
  11. Before storing the mousseline cream in the fridge, cover it with a separator or plastic wrap.
  12. This way, it won’t create a thick layer on top and will keep your cream silky and smooth. Refrigerate it about 2 hours.
  13. Trick: the separator or plastic wrap must be in contact with the surface of the mousseline cream.
  14. Enjoy this cream in the preparation you prefer, you can also taste it by spoonfuls.
  15.  You can even serve it in a sleeve to help fill your preparations or to make a more elegant shape on the plate. Ready to eat!
  16. And, if you wonder if you can freeze the mousseline cream, the answer is no, keep in mind that you will not be able to freeze it.


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