Mote with bone recipe

The nickname with huesillos is a Chilean or very popular dessert, it is usually found in carts in the center of the city of Santiago and in food and drink places. This delicious dessert is made up of peach juice, dehydrated peaches (huesillos), sugar and wheat mote, which is usually eaten with a spoon after drinking the juice.

Normally, the mote con huesillo has a golden brown color, since the sugar is usually cooked to make caramel and water is added to cook the huesillos in the caramel water. However, the juice resulting from boiling the huesillos without caramel can also be sweetened with stevia, coconut sugar, panela or brown sugar. The amount of peaches in each serving will depend on each person. You can add up to three pits per glass or leave just one.

If you want to know how to make traditional nickname with huesillo, follow our step by step in Free Recipes and enjoy this delicious Chilean dessert ideal for an afternoon snack.

Ingredients to make Mote with bone:

  • 2 ossicles
  • 500 milliliters of water
  • 1 cup of sugar (200 grams)
  • 200 grams of nickname
  • 1 piece of cinnamon
  • 1 piece of orange peel (optional)

How to make Mote with bone:

  1. The first thing you should do to prepare a delicious mote con huesillos is to soak the dehydrated peaches overnight.
  2. Pour the water together with the huesillos, the sugar or sweetener, the cinnamon and the orange peel in a pot and boil them for 35 to 40 minutes.
  3. Prick the peaches to check that they are soft, if the fork goes through the surface easily it is because they are ready. Remove from the fire and let cool.
  4. Strain the juice resulting from this cooking,add the bones and refrigerate while we continue.
  5. Rinse the nickname with a little water and pour it into a pot with plenty of water, boil for about 15 minutes or until when tasted they are quite tender.
  6. Strain the mote and rinse with a little cold water. Reserve in a container in the fridge until it is very cold.
  7. To prepare the mote con huesillo without chancaca, serve 4 to 5 tablespoons of mote in a glass, a little less than half the glass is fine.
  8. Add the juice and the bones that you like, enjoy this refreshing homemade dessert. The calories of the nickname with huesillo are approximately 427 kCal in a glass.


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