Mosaic jelly recipe with cream

One of the favorite moments when eating is undoubtedly dessert. Food is always enjoyed more by closing with a sweet dish and gelatin is one of the favorites for its easy preparation and for the freshness it gives. There are many gelatin recipes and more and more variations, but a rich mosaic gelatin will never go out of style. Of course, if you want to make it a little different, what better way to add an extra ingredient as tasty as cream, that’s why in this article we will teach you how to make mosaic jelly with cream in an easy and fast way.

This recipe for mosaic gelatin with cream will get you out of trouble because it is very easy and quick to make, or it will simply fulfill your craving when you feel like eating something sweet. In addition, you can decide if you prefer to serve it in a mold or in individual glasses. Keep reading!

Ingredients to make mosaic gelatin with cream:

  • 3 envelopes of flavored gelatin of your choice
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 can of half cream
  • 1 can of evaporated milk
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • 30 grams of gelatin powder (gelatin without flavor)
  • 150 grams of milk cream (cream to mount)

How to make mosaic jelly with cream:

  1. To start the mosaic gelatin with cream recipe, prepare your flavored gelatin sachets following the manufacturer’s instructions. Remember to make them in separate containers.
  2. Trick: You can choose the flavor you prefer, keeping in mind that if you use more flavors and colors the gelatin will be more attractive.
  3. When you have your flavored jellies ready and curdled, cut them into squares of approximately half an inch and reserve.
  4. Dissolve the 30 grams of gelatin powder in a cup of hot water. Stir well to break up any lumps.
  5. Tip: You can use your microwave to heat the water or do it in a bain-marie.
  6. Blend the condensed milk, the evaporated milk, the media crema and the vanilla. You can mix the milksin the blender or use an electric hand mixer, as well as manual rods.
  7. To incorporate the gelatin that you dissolved, add two tablespoons of the milk mixture to the gelatinand mix to achieve better homogeneity.
  8.  Then add this mixture back to the blender with the milk and blend.
  9. Now all that remains is to put together all the ingredients for the mosaic jelly with cream.
  10. First, alternately add the gelatin squares in a mold by color, then add ¾ of the milk and gelatin mixture and add more squares.
  11. When your mold is complete, refrigerate the gelatin for at least 1 hour and a half, or until it is completely set.
  12. You may notice that you will have leftover flavored gelatin and ¼ of the milk mixture.
  13.  Well, you can use it to make individual portions of a more liquid consistency and to do this, simply mix your jellies and add the ¼ of the milk mixture, also add the milk cream and mix very well.
  14.  Remember that milk cream is whipping cream, also known as cream in other countries.
  15. Trick: The milk cream can also be mixed with the other milk and the dissolved gelatin. This ingredient makes the gelatin creamier.
  16. You already have two presentation options for this rich recipe for mosaic gelatin with cream. You can choose the one you like the most, since we assure you that both will be very tasty.
  17.  Also, remember that you can add the milk cream when mixing all the milk or at the end, the difference is that if you do it at the end, the result will be even creamier and even almost liquid.
  18. In this way, if you want a mosaic jelly with liquid cream, add it at the end.


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