Mosaic jelly recipe in a glass

Very well-known is this mosaic gelatin dessert, originally from Mexico, but which has already achieved great fame in other countries. It is a very colorful dessert that we can present in various ways. In this case, in this article we have prepared a recipe for mosaic jelly in a glass that is perfect to distribute among the guests.

If you have not tried this dessert yet, we encourage you to try it, its texture will not leave you indifferent! And you already know it well, you will love this presentation for its practicality. Keep reading and discover how to make mosaic jelly in a glass!

Ingredients to make mosaic glass jelly:

  • 4 tablespoons of powdered lemon gelatin (33 gr)
  • 4 tablespoons strawberry powdered gelatin (33 gr)
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered cranberry gelatin (33 gr)
  • 4 tablespoons of unflavored neutral powdered gelatin (33 gr)
  • 1 can of evaporated milk (490 gr)
  • 1 small can of condensed milk (390 gr)
  • 100 milliliters of whole milk
  • 1 tablespoon liquid vanilla extract

How to make mosaic jelly in glass:

  1. First, we are going to make the colored jellies.
  2. Dissolve the lemon gelatin in two cups of hot water (325 ml). Dissolve the strawberry gelatin equally in another two cups of hot water and the same with the blueberry gelatin.
  3. Trick: You can use other jellies of different colors.
  4. Pour each gelatin into a separate small container, preferably square or rectangular. Reserve in the fridge for at least four hours or until they set well.
  5. Once the colored gelatin is curdled, pass a sharp knife through the molds to be able to unmold without problems.
  6. Cut each jelly into not very large cubes. Booking.
  7. Dissolve the four tablespoons of neutral powdered gelatin in 100 grams of water. You will have a thick mixture.
  8.  Put the mixture in a bowl in a bain-marie and heat on the stove until it becomes liquid.
  9. Put the evaporated milk, the condensed milk and the whole milk together with the vanilla extract in a large bowl and mix well.
  10. Gradually add the dissolved neutral gelatin, stirring constantly with a hand whisk so that the gelatin does not set.
  11. Trick: You can replace the evaporated milk with heavy cream or heavy cream.
  12. Now is the time to assemble the mosaic gelatin in glasses. Go alternating the colored jelly cubes in the glasses.
  13. Fill the glass almost completely with the colored jellies. If the glass is very tall, do it in two times.
  14. And now fill the glasses with the mixture of milk and neutral gelatin. Give it a few taps so that the milk falls to the bottom of the glass.
  15. Finally, decorate with some jelly cubes on the surface and place in the fridge for another four hours to set. Our rich mosaic jelly in glasses is ready!


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