Morisqueta recipe

Ingredients to make Morisqueta:

  • 500 grams of black beans
  • 2 cups of rice
  • 5 cups of Water (1200 milliliters)
  • 400 grams of Cecina
  • 6 units of Chiles in vinegar
  • 300 grams of Ranchero Cheese
  • 1 teaspoon of Carbonate
  • 2 units of Garlic
  • 200 grams of onion

How to make Morisqueta:

  1. We clean the beans and put them to soak all night before cooking, with the teaspoon of carbonate.
  2. The next day, we remove the soaking water, rinse the beans thoroughly and cook them with 2 liters of water, a clove of garlic and half the onion and a dash of oil, in a pressure cooker for 20 minutes.
  3. Once the 20 minutes have elapsed, turn off and let it cool down and all the steam comes out to open the pot. In a casserole we pour a little oil and brown the other clove of garlic and the other part of the onion, cover so that the oil does not splash. There we add the previously cooked beans, dunk them slightly and let it boil for 15 to 20 minutes over low heat. It is rectified of salt and we reserve.
  4. We wash the rice. In a saucepan we place the 5 cups of water and immediately add the rice, let it cook over high heat uncovered.
  5. When the water has evaporated and we observe that small holes can be seen in the rice, we lower the heat to very low and cover. It will be there in approximately 10 minutes. After that time we rectify the cooking of the rice, if it is still hard we add a little water and cover, let it cook for another 3-5 minutes. We reserve.
  6. Tip: Do you want to add an aromatic touch? Cover the bottom of the pot where you are going to cook the rice with banana leaves and you will have rice with a Caribbean touch
  7. Divide the jerky into 6 portions and fry with a little oil until cooked to your liking.
  8. Place the rice in the center on a plate and place the broth beans on top, accompany it with a piece of beef jerky, cheese and pickled chili peppers. We hope you enjoy this Mexican morisqueta recipe, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to write your comments. You can accompany with corn tortillas and prepare corn bread for dessert.
  9. Trick: Morisqueta rice serves you as an accompaniment to many dishes, such as lentil soup. Just add it to your soups or broths before serving

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