More than 100 vegetarian recipes for Christmas

Preparing vegetarian food represents a matter of creativity, ingenuity and enthusiasm.  Perhaps the most important thing about this style of eating is to achieve balance: provide the body with the necessary nutrients per day respect the world around us and stay healthy. Pure harmony!

On dates as important as Christmas, a vegetarian banquet is even attractive for those who follow a conventional diet. If you are not a vegetarian you can consider this original option, at least for some part of the menu. Why? Because if the main course is too heavy, you can balance dinner using vegetarian Christmas recipes. The ideal is to substitute appetizers, starters, some drinks and/or desserts for this meal. If you only replace one, you already make a difference, because you give originality in flavors and textures to the banquet.  A Crossover Christmas Dinner!

Without a doubt, a vegetarian dinner is colorful, rich in flavors, original, nutritious, light, easier to digest and sometimes economical. As the Christmas holidays are one of the most anticipated, we want to share with you these vegetarian recipes for Christmas and also vegan ones, perfect for those important dates, whether you are vegetarian or not.

Types of vegetarianism

Vegetarian nutrition is not simply following a diet free of meat (white and red), but rather a lifestyle. For ideological or health reasons, being a vegetarian implies many things. For this reason, within vegetarianism there are different currents, each one poses its own food or thought limits:

  • Lacto-ova vegetarians: the consumption of eggs and dairy products are allowed.
  • Lacto-vegetarians: only allow dairy.
  • Strict vegetarians: they do not consume dairy or eggs, only vegetables.
  • Vegans: they do not eat anything that comes from an animal. That is, neither in the ingredients or the processes of a certain product. This applies to industries (cosmetics, food, textiles, entertainment, among others), to the field of scientific research, to the use of pets, damage to ecological environments, and trade in exotic animals, among others. This current has the greatest ideology weight, which can be motivated by religion, politics, and philosophy, empathy towards animals or personal ideals.

Veggie Party Recipes

Vegetarian food has a wide range of possibilities, worthy of any type of celebration.  However, depending on the type of party, we expand the menu or reduce it, as in any celebration. For example, during a wedding the ideal would be to prepare a buffet. On the other hand, a children’s or youth party the most important is the appetizers, the drinks, some desserts and the cake.

Vegetarian appetizers are an exquisite alternative for everyone, since they are light, digest well, have an excellent presentation and… They taste like heaven! Some good alternatives for the table of vegetarian appetizers for parties are: hummus, vegetable pates, croquettes, crudités, cheeses, etc. These snacks are perfect for children’s parties, snacks, meetings and even Christmas.

If you are thinking of having a party and you are not a vegetarian but your friends are, here we share several alternative recipes for easy and very tasty vegetarians:

  • Vegan fresh cheese
  • Vegan sour cream
  • Classic hummus
  • Avocado hummus
  • White bean hummus
  • Fried polenta sticks
  • Grissini
  • Vegetarian banana appetizer
  • Vegan spinach fritters
  • Vegan broccoli croquettes
  • Vegan polenta croquettes
  • Crispy potato chips with sour cream
  • Vegan garlic sauce
  • Vegan raspberry cake
  • Vegan fruit tart
  • Vegan chocolate cake

Vegan recipes for Christmas

vegan Christmas dinner implies a challenge in certain aspects but also a world of possibilities; everything is a matter of creativity and certain knowledge. Perhaps the most important thing in this type of dinner is the way in which you combine the different dishes of the night, to satisfy your guests and provide them with a healthy and comforting dinner.  An important detail during a banquet like this is based on the fact that the foods are nutritionally compensated with each other.

The next thing where you should strive? In the presentation, since vegan dishes for Christmas can delight the palate but if the presentation is unappetizing, you will discourage diners. Remember that food enters through the eyes. The colorful? It is essential, because apart from showing a more attractive dish, it ensures that all the nutrients are there. The more colors, the more complementary nutrients to each other.

Next, we invite you to review several easy vegetarian and vegan recipes for Christmas, very creative and tasty, so that you can organize your Christmas menu right now.

Vegetarian appetizers for Christmas and vegans

Christmas appetizers should be prepared with everyone in mind, especially the little ones.  Appetizing, simple, very creative, colorful and healthy appetizers are the solution.

Some suitable preparations for this dream night are croquettes, truffles, vegetable meat balls, creams, hummus and many others. It will be for variety! Keep reading and you will see how easy these vegetarian and vegan recipes for Christmas are.

  • Amaranth meatballs
  • Sweet potato chips
  • Eggplant chips
  • Baked Kale Chips
  • Pumpkin chips
  • Carrot chips
  • Pumpkin nuggets
  • Vegan sweet potato croquettes
  • Vegan lentil croquettes
  • Vegetarian chickpea croquettes
  • Guacamole with Pico de Gallo
  • Vegan deluxe sauce
  • Vegan yogurt sauce
  • Vegan avocado
  • Carrot Vegan
  • Vegan soy milk
  • Dried tomato hummus
  • Roasted Pepper Hummus
  • Beetroot hummus
  • Pea and mint hummus
  • Auk hummus
  • Vegetable pate
  • Black Olives Pate
  • Dried tomato pate
  • Mushroom pate
  • Walnut and mushroom pate with thermo mix
  • Chestnut pate
  • Eggplant pate with honey
  • Pumpkin foam

Vegetarian starters for Christmas

A cold or hot appetizer is perfect to prepare the stomach for the rest of the vegan or vegetarian Christmas menu. Some soup, cream, salad, some sautéed vegetables or some other light dish are perfect to start the most special dinner of the year. Delicious!

  • Vegan goulash
  • Vegan rosemary
  • Battered tempeh
  • Sweet and sour tempeh
  • Vegan aguachile
  • Raw vegan salad
  • Vegan capers salad

Vegetarian dishes for Christmas

Christmas is very warm and traditional, so many choose to make a version of the usual dishes but using plant-based ingredients. The main dish on the menu should contain a good portion of protein and other nutrients to balance the Christmas diet. Look how delicious!

  • Vegetarian halluces
  • Vegetarian lasagna
  • Zucchini lasagna
  • Zucchini cannelloni stuffed with mushrooms
  • Zucchini spaghetti with pesto
  • Vegetable Stuffed Oatmeal
  • Vegan meat roll
  • Vegetarian risotto
  • Tofu fillets
  • Vegan shepherd’s pie
  • Mushroom cake in the microwave

Vegetarian side dishes for Christmas

Oh the escorts! In vegetarian food there is a wide variety of excellent accompaniments, perfect for that special day. And if you feel like a traditional salad and you can’t find it on this list, don’t worry, you just need to change the dressings or other ingredients for vegan substitutes. Nothing is impossible in vegetarian cuisine!

  • Vegan chorizo ​​and cheese Christmas bread
  • Baked Rice Stuffed Tomatoes
  • Vegetable stuffed tomatoes
  • Vegetarian stuffed avocados
  • Avocado stuffed with plums
  • Vegan beetroot salad
  • Raw beet and carrot salad
  • Hot chard salad with potatoes
  • Warm potato salad
  • Warm chard salad
  • Mashed sweet potato

Vegan drinks for Christmas

Ah, the Christmas drinks! From the glass of milk for Santa Claus to the punch to toast, they seem like some of the infallible Christmas recipes. So this year, the fat boy in red will drink rice or almond milk, along with some delicious vegan cookies. Hmm!

  • Easy golden milk
  • Rice and coconut milk
  • Unsweetened almond milk
  • Vegan eggnog
  • Non-alcoholic mojitos

Vegan and vegetarian desserts for Christmas

Desert time! Vegan sweets are the icing on the cake, and the truth is that it is very difficult to choose because they all want them. In addition, you will see how they look on your table… beautiful! However, since at Christmas the most important thing is the children, the ideal is to choose the desserts together with them. Here you can detail the vegetarian and vegan recipes for Christmas. Long live healthy desserts!

  • Vegan marzipan
  • Peanut marzipan
  • Amaranths joys
  • Vegan apple and blueberry pie
  • Vegan apple crumble
  • Vegan apple and cinnamon pudding recipe
  • Vegan cherry cake
  • Raw vegan lemon pie
  • Christmas gingerbread cookies
  • Cheese flan without oven
  • Eggless Vanilla Custard
  • Cornstarch flan without egg
  • Vegan Christmas Sweet Bread
  • Eggless cake
  • Cake without egg and without butter
  • Vegan chocolate mousse
  • Chocolate mousse with aguafaba

Recipes with tofu for Christmas

Tofu is an oriental ingredient, which is essential in any vegetarian diet, as it replaces meat. This food has characteristics very similar to cheese in its presentation, consistency, color and even in the way it is made. What is the difference? Tofu is produced with vegetable milk, specifically soy.

And at Christmas you can’t miss tofu! Due to its important nutritional contribution  (protein and calcium, among others) and versatility in the kitchen, this ingredient cannot be missing from the vegetarian Christmas table. As a main dish, as a side dish, as a starter or as an appetizer, I invite you to review these easy vegetarian recipes for Christmas. You will love them!


  • Vegan nuggets
  • Tofu and vegetable skewers
  • Smoked tofu
  • Tofu marinated in soy sauce
  • Vegan tofu dumplings
  • Tofu and soy dumplings


  • Tofu salad with zucchini jam

Main dish

  • Fried tofu with soy sauce
  • Fried battered tofu
  • Soy fillets in mushroom sauce
  • Tofu in teriyaki sauce
  • Baked tofu
  • Pasta with smoked tofu and mushrooms
  • Tofu with tomato
  • Soba noodles with vegetables and tofu
  • Fried rice with tofu
  • Rice with tofu and mushrooms
  • Scrambled tofu with vegetables


  • Stir-fried vegetables with tofu
  • Tofu with spinach

New Year’s Eve vegetarian menu

The traditions! At Christmas or New Year’s Eve, traditions are very important and this includes the gastronomic part. Although a vegetarian dinner always contains innovative elements, part of this innovation is also to ensure that traditional dishes are prepared without animal content.

In the case of the New Year’s Eve meal (New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Eve for some), the elegance of the dishes is very important, as well as the abundance of the main dish (in nutrients and quantity), as long as the aesthetics of the meal are considered. Plated. On the other hand, all the other elements of the banquet must balance each other, both in presentation of flavors and colors as well as nutrients. None of the above can be classified as unbreakable rules, but they serve as a guide to get the most out of food and its benefits. Also, remember that there is no better decoration on the table than well-presented, fragrant and tasty dishes.

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