Moon Worshiper’s Flounder Recipe

Ingredients to make Moon Worshiper’s Soles:

  • 4 soles, 250 g. of weight each
  • 100 – 125g. of butter
  • 2 tomatoes, peeled, seeded and finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons shallots, cut into tiny pieces
  • 1/2 bottle of wine (Muscadet: I don’t know how it translates, so use a “Viña Paceta” from Rioja, a “Martivillí” from Rueda, a “Yuntero” from La Mancha… anyway)
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of breadcrumbs (+ a little more for finishing the dish)
  • salted
  • Freshly ground pepper from the mill

How to make Moon Worshiper’s Soles:

  1. Remove the black skin that covers them from the soles; dry them well; jump them.
  2. In the fireproof dish where we are going to serve the soles, generously rub the inside with butter.
  3. Let’s lay the little animals in it, let’s add salt, then pepper, cover them with a few pieces of butter and with a mixture of tomatoes and shallots, both finely chopped.
  4. Let’s season them sparingly, moisten them with Father Noah’s invention, season them with salt and pepper and sprinkle them with breadcrumbs.
  5. Let’s put them in the oven, heated relatively moderately (around 165-175 degrees) – (Oh-ttia! how the gabachos tune! – N.del T.)
  6. Bake for 18-20 minutes – (Oh-ttia! how the gabachos tune! – N.del T.).
  7. After that time, put a few butter flakes and a little breadcrumb on the surface of the little animals.
  8. Put the dish back in the oven for 12-15 minutes (approximately) since its total stay in the oven must (in principle) be half an hour.
  9. Serve in the same dish as soon as it comes out of the oven.

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