Monkfish Soup Recipe

Fish soup is one of the tastiest and most comforting, so it is not surprising that it is usually one of the star dishes of winter, especially during Christmas. If, in addition, we add different ingredients, such as seafood or vegetables, the result is a gourmet soup full of flavor and textures.

On this occasion, we have chosen monkfish as the main ingredient, which leaves an exquisite aroma and provides a certain consistency to the soup. In addition, we will add other ingredients that will enhance the flavor. Keep reading and discover how to make easy monkfish soup if you feel like adding this dish to your Christmas menu or simply want to enjoy a spoonful of nutrients.

Ingredients to make monkfish soup:

  • 1 kilogram of whitebait or rock fish (if shrimp enter among the whitebait, set them aside to add later to the soup)
  • 1 dessert spoon of black peppercorns
  • 1 sprig of fresh mint
  • 2 liters of water
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 8 cloves
  • 2 leeks
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 10 raw peeled almonds
  • 3 slices of dry bread
  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric
  • 3 fresh and clean monkfish tails

How to make monkfish soup:

  • Heat the water in a pot with the bay leaf and black peppercorns. Clean the whitebait that you will use to prepare the base broth for the monkfish soup or base stock for the soup and add it to the pot. If the mixed fish has carabineros or galleys, remove them to add them at the end.
  • While the water is heating up, peel the carrot, the leeks and the onion. Then she sticks the cloves into the onion to further flavor the broth. Add these ingredients to the pot. Let everything cook over medium-low heat for 1 hour if it’s a pressure cooker or 1 hour and a half if it’s a conventional pot.
  • Pour a good splash of olive oil in a frying pan, lightly toast the almonds and remove them as soon as they turn golden. Also laminate the garlic cloves, brown them in the oil and remove them. Finally, toast the slices of bread in the same pan, but be careful not to burn them, so turn them several times to toast them well.
  • Put everything you have toasted in a blender glass together with some mint leaves and grind until it becomes a paste. Save this mixture for later, as you will use it to add even more flavor to the monkfish soup.
  • Tip: you can also do this by hand by crushing it in a mortar.
  • Strain the cooking broth and press down with a saucepan to take advantage of all the juice of the ingredients, which is what will give the soup more flavor. Pour the strained broth into another pot and add the turmeric, the previous mashed, the monkfish tails cut into two or three parts and let it boil for 20 minutes.
  • Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and brown them for 3 minutes, stirring them. Then, add them to the monkfish soup after 20 minutes. If you have galleys or shrimp, cook them on the grill or frying pan, but back and forth, and add them to the broth.
  • Cover the pot to let the monkfish soup sit for 10 minutes. When serving it, decorate the plates with mint leaves. If you have leftover broth, for another occasion you can add some noodles and a poached egg on top and you will transform that homemade monkfish soup into a different broth, but with the same delicious flavor of the fish.

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