Monkfish recipe on a bed of shellfish

Ingredients to make Monkfish on a bed of shellfish:

  • 4 slices of monkfish of 300 gr. each
  • 250 gr. of clams
  • 250 gr. of mussels
  • 8 fresh prawns
  • a few sprigs of parsley
  • for the willow
  • 1 glass of oil, 1 glass of white wine
  • 2 carrots
  • half an onion
  • 1 leek
  • 1 turn
  • 1 clove garlic
  • salted
  • cornstarch
  • 1 peeled ripe tomato

How to make Monkfish on a bed of shellfish:

  1. Cut the carrots, onions, leeks, parsley and garlic into very thin slices.
  2. Next, put a clay pot on the fire, pouring in the olive oil, and once it is hot, add the garlic and the bay leaf.
  3. When they are golden, add the vegetables and sauté over low heat.
  4. After eight minutes, add the small glass of white wine and the brother that the clams and mussels will have released, having previously steamed them.
  5. Let boil for 8 or 10 minutes and add salt to taste. To thicken the willow add the cornstarch until you get the desired thickness.
  6. Next, pass it through the turmoil and then through a Chinese strainer in order to obtain a fine sauce.
  7. After storing the sauce in a container or in the same casserole, proceed to pass the monkfish and the prawns on the griddle.
  8. For the presentation of the dish we will preferably use a tray on which we will pour the prepared sauce, which we have reserved.
  9. On this we will have the monkfish slices and the prawns in the center. Bordering the tray we will place the mussels and clams.

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