Monkfish and octopus skewer recipe

Ingredients to make monkfish and octopus skewer:

For 4 people:

  • 450 gr. of monkfish, cleaned and cut into twelve large pieces
  • 200 grams cooked octopus, also cut into twelve pieces
  • 200 grams by Redicchio Trevisano
  • 40 grams red port wine
  • 50 grams of butter
  • Salt
  • 200 grams of peeled aguaturmas
  • Olive oil
  • 40 grams thinly sliced ​​chorizo
  • A bit of sugar
  • 1 sprig of parsley.

How to make monkfish and octopus skewer:

Form the skewers with the monkfish and octopus. Cook them on the grill or in a frying pan with a little oil. Cut the radicchio leaves and glaze with port wine and sugar. This will be the base where the skewers will rest. The aguaturmas with a bulb well known and used in the past, before the expansion of the potato in the eighteenth century, especially for its rich nutritional content, to the point that, toasted, they are also known as the substitute for coffee.

Peel the aguaturmas and cut them into thin slices, to fry them in olive oil. Finally season them. The last ingredient that we will add is the chorizo, cut into very thin slices, and we will fry it in olive oil, and once ready, we will serve them on the radicchio base, together with the aguaturmas and the chorizo ​​slices.

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