Moles eggs recipe

The huevos moles recipe that we share in this article is typical of the Canary Islands, made with egg yolks and sugar. This same dessert is also prepared in Portugal and some Latin American countries, such as Cuba. However, in these places it can suffer slight variations, so we will follow the Canarian cuisine recipe.

With just a couple of ingredients you will get an easy-to-prepare and above all delicious dessert, which you can offer to your guests to finish off your menu and look like the perfect host. Stay with us and learn how to make traditional moles eggs, you will love them!

Ingredients to make Moles Eggs:

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 4 tablespoons of white sugar
  • 8 tablespoons of water
  • 1 piece of lemon peel

How to make Moles Eggs:

  1. Heat the sugar in a saucepan, add the water and bring to a boil. It is important that you do not lower the heat so that the syrup is done well
  2. You will see that large whitish bubbles begin to form and that little by little it will prepare, you can stir it with a wooden spoon
  3. Add a few pieces of lemon peel and leave them for 5 minutes, so the syrup will take on a slight lemon flavor and aroma. Remove the shells carefully so as not to burn yourself and allow the sugar syrup to continue to boil until it forms a thick syrup. Once ready, remove it from the heat to cool.
  4. Trick: Check its texture by dropping a few drops with a spoon, if they fall slowly it means that it is ready.
  5. Separate the yolks from the whites and reserve the whites in the fridge to use in other recipes.
  6. For example, you can make homemade meringue in the oven.
  7. Beat the egg yolks with an electric whisk until they become a foamy and forceful cream.
  8. This process is long, but herein lies the key to getting good mole eggs, so it is important to be patient and beat to achieve that volume and creaminess in the yolks.
  9. At this point the syrup will be warm, so it is the right time to slowly add it to the egg yolks without stopping beating so that it is fully integrated.
  10. When the cream acquires a custard-like appearance, divide it into small cups and sprinkle a little gofio or ground cinnamon on top.
  11.  We recommend leaving the dessert in the fridge for at least 1 hour to enjoy it completely cold
  12. Trick: There are also those who prepare a meringue with the egg whites and use it to decorate the mole eggs.


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