Mojo Ranchero Recipe

We love salads! In fact, both in Spain and in many other countries we are lucky enough to know many of them thanks to the fact that in each town or city they have their own salad, which can be made up of multiple specific ingredients and thus create that wonderful salad that commemorates places around the world.

On this occasion we moved to the land of La Mancha to discover its popular pipirrana, mojo or mojito, a delicious salad that is a gift from gastronomy. Its ingredients are usually common in our homes, simple and cheap. So, without further ado, let’s see how to make pipirrana Manchaca or mojo ranchero, you’ll love it!

Ingredients to make Montego Mojo:

  1. 1 can of chopped natural tomato
  2. 1 purple onion
  3. 2 boiled eggs
  4. 2 cans of natural prickly pear
  5. 1 can of pitted green or black olives
  6. 50 milliliters of extra virgin olive oil
  7. 1 splash of apple cider vinegar
  8. 3 pinches of salt
  9. 3 bell peppers

How to make Mojo ranchero:

  • Pour the chopped tomato into a container or bowl large enough to mix all the ingredients of the Manchaca pipirrana. If you don’t want to use canned tomatoes, you can chop three tomatoes.
  • Tip: Boil a couple of eggs to decorate the salad at the end, this way they will have enough time to cool down.
  • Drain the tuna well and add it to the bowl with the tomato. If necessary, crumble it a little so as not to leave such large pieces.
  • Add the olives. In this step you will be able to decide which olives you prefer to use in your mojito ranchero recipe, since it is common to find different varieties. We have opted for green pitted olives to give the salad an aromatic touch and with a certain amount of acidity, but you can use black olives or another type of green olive.
  • Peel and cut a small onion into very thin slices and add them to the salad. It is important that the onion pieces are not thick so that the ranchero sauce is perfect.
  • Also add the bell pepper cut into very thin strips. Finally, dress the pipirrana from La Mancha with the vinegar and oil. Stir carefully, but mix everything until you see that each ingredient is integrated.
  • Serve your salad very fresh and add the eggs on top to decorate it and enhance the flavor. As you can see, it is an easy, fast and economical mojo ranchero recipe, perfect for a fresh and healthy starter.
  • With what to accompany the pipirrana Manchaca or mojo
  • The pipirrana can vary depending on where it comes from, since there is the pipirrana from La Mancha, which is what we have learned to prepare, the Andalusia pipirrana, the Mercian pipirrana or the Valencia pipirrana. In general, it is a recipe that provides few calories and many vitamins and nutrients. For this reason, we can consume it as a starter accompanied by fish or meat, although if we want it can be eaten as the only dish and dipped in bread. To do this, we recommend opting for bread with enough crumbs, if it is loaf better, and a glass of a good red wine from La Mancha, nothing more is needed!

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