Mojarra recipe with garlic sauce

Nowadays one of the recommended nutritional measures is the consumption of fish. For this reason, we provides you with the recipe for how to prepare mojarras with garlic sauce, simple and nonetheless exquisite. Try them!

Ingredients to make Mojarra with garlic sauce:

  • 3 units of Mojarras
  • For the garlic sauce
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of Pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 2 pieces of Lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of white vinegar
  • 1 piece of Onion
  • to fry
  • 2 butter Bars

How to make Mojarra with garlic sauce:

  1. The first step is to gather all the ingredients to prepare these mojarras al mojo de ago.
  2. To select the fish it is important to observe that the eyes are bright, the meat is firm and the gills are red. We are going to ask the fishmonger to remove the scales, guts and gills, as well as the central and tail fins. And have them make the cross sections. Now, we wash the fish and dry it. We reserve in what we prepare the mojo.
  3. In a mortar, we place the minced and clean garlic from the shell. Add the pepper and salt. We grind it perfectly.
  4. Once ground, we transfer it to a separate container and add the juice of the two lemons and the two tablespoons of vinegar.
  5. We spread the molars inside and out with the garlic mojo so that it is well impregnated with it.
  6. We slice the onion into thin strips and place it inside the belly of the molars.
  7. To fry the molars we are going to use a stick of butter, in this way the flavor of the garlic mojo will be enhanced. Place the butter in a skillet over moderate heat. We hope it melts a bit.
  8. Trick: It is important that the butter does not burn
  9. Place the mojarras so that they brown first on one side. It must be well cooked on that side before turning it over, this is so that it does not stick or fall apart.

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