Mixed fish and shrimp ceviche recipe

Ceviche is a typical Peruvian dish and is prepared based on fish or shellfish. However, in this recipe we will make a mixed ceviche, so it will contain a type of fish, sea bass, and shrimp. These proteins are marinated in lemon acid, which, thanks to its properties, performs a type of cold cooking. The ceviches are accompanied by purple or white onion, cilantro, chili and toasted corn when serving the dish. Read on and learn how to prepare a mixed fish and shrimp ceviche.

Ingredients to make mixed fish and shrimp ceviche:

  • 3 fresh sea bass fillets
  • 500 grams of fresh shrimp
  • 60 grams of fresh coriander
  • 7 units of lemons or limes
  • 2 large white or purple onions
  • 100 grams of cream cheese or sour cream
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 50 grams of roasted corn
  • 1 pinch of Spicy

How to make mixed fish and shrimp ceviche:

1.The first step to make our mixed ceviche is to pre-list its ingredients.

2.Cut the bass into squares as shown in the photograph and take them to a bowl.

3.While you reserve the fish in the fridge, bring a pot of water to medium heat. Once it is about to boil, add the shrimp and let them blanch for a minute, remove them and stop cooking with cold water so that they do not overcook. Since we are making a ceviche with shrimp, it is better to cook it with the shellfish.

4.Add the shrimp to the bowl where we have the fresh fish and add the lemon juice, marinate the mixed ceviche proteins well in the refrigerator or fridge for approximately 20 minutes.

5.Chop the onion into feathers or squares (as you wish), it is generally served in feathers, and add to the bowl where we are preparing the mixed ceviche marinated with fresh coriander also finely chopped. Mix all the ingredients very well until they are integrated.

6.Finally, add the cream cheese or sour cream to the ceviche, the idea of ​​this preparation is that it has an acid and creamy touch at the same time, which will make it a truly unique preparation. Mix very well until the ingredients of our ceviche are integrated.

7.Serve the mixed fish and shrimp ceviche decorating the bottom of the plate with a lettuce leaf, add our mixed ceviche on top of the lettuce leaf and add sprinkled corn, this will give our recipe a crispy touch. You can consume it as a starter or main course on any occasion.


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