Mixed Fideua recipe

Fideuá is a typical Spanish dish that has already been exported all over the world. Below we explain how to make this sea and land, meat and fish fideua.

Ingredients to make mixed Fideua:

  • 400 gr. Noodle.
  • 500 gr. pork rib
  • 300 gr. of peeled prawns
  • 300 grams of clams.
  • 300 gr. calamari cut into rings.
  • 200 gr. crushed natural tomato.
  • 1 head of garlic.
  • Olive oil.
  • Fresh parsley.
  • Sweet and spicy paprika.
  • White wine (a small glass).
  • salted

How to make mixed Fideua:

  1. The mixed fideua or fish and meat fideua is a very rich dish and each maestrillo has his booklet. You can make multiple variants of the recipe that I explain below.
  2. In a pressure cooker we put the ribs cut into not very small pieces, we add a mash made up of garlic (about three cloves), sweet and spicy paprika and salt -to taste-, with a couple of bay leaves.
  3. Cook for about fifteen minutes and reserve.
  4. Heat the oil in a saucepan and when it is hot add the squid and the clams -clean- with a mash of parsley, garlic and wine, stir a few times until the alcohol evaporates and the clams open, then add the tomato, the prawns and let it fry for about five minutes.
  5. After this time, add the rib stew to the previous stew and cook everything for another five minutes and taste for salt.
  6. In a pan on the fire we pour only the broth that we have obtained from the previous process, always twice as much and when it starts to boil we put the noodles, keep it on high heat for five minutes and add the ribs, squid, clams and prawns that we had reserved in the saucepan, lower the heat, letting everything cook for ten to fifteen minutes until all the brother has evaporated, observing this, turn off the heat and let it rest for a few more minutes.
  7. Take advantage of this delicious mixed meat and fish fideuá.

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