Níscalos with potatoes recipe

Miscalls with potatoes recipe

Miscalls with potatoes recipe

The miscall or rebellion is a very common mushroom in Spain and its names vary according to the region. It oxidizes easily, so it can take on a greenish color, but it is still edible. They can be found in the forests and pine forests during the autumn, especially after the rainy days, since they reproduce much more than in times of drought.

Although there are many ways to cook chanterelles to take advantage of them in your dishes, this time, we suggest you prepare a delicious recipe for chanterelles with potatoes. It is a delicious spoon dish, with few ingredients and that gives a lot of prominence to this fungus so appreciated in Spanish cuisine. Keep reading and learn how to make chanterelles with potatoes with us!

Ingredients to make Miscalls with potatoes:

Níscalos with potatoes recipe

  • 1 onion
  • 1 small red bell pepper
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 100 milliliters of good-quality white wine
  • 800 milliliters of water (3⅓ cups)
  • 400 grams of chanterelles
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Miscalls with potatoes:


Prepare the ingredients for the chanterelles with potatoes. Remove the seeds from the pepper and chop it. Peel the onion and chop it too. Do the same with the garlic cloves and chop them or leave them whole, depending on your taste. Lastly, peel the potatoes and mash them.

Trick: To crack the potatoes, insert the knife into the potato, but not all the way, and break it into pieces of potato. In this way, the potato releases the starch and will block the broth a little.


In a large pot, put the olive oil, heat it, and add the onion, the chopped pepper, and the garlic. Sauté for about 3 or 4 minutes, turning with a wooden spoon from time to time.


Add the potatoes and turn the stew over so that the potatoes are well-impregnated with the flavors of the sauce. Sauté them for 2 minutes.


Pour in the white wine, stir and let the alcohol evaporate for about 2 minutes.


Cover stew with water until potatoes are submerged; you will need approximately 800 ml of water. Add salt to taste and the bay leaf.


Finally, add the clean and chopped chanterelles if they are very large. Stir the chanterelle stew with potatoes, cover, and cook for 1 hour or until the potato is tender.

Tip: It is advisable not to wet the chanterelles under the tap for cleaning, better to use a damp cloth. If they are very dirty, you can wash them under the tap and consume them immediately, as they lose flavor.


Let the chanterelles rest with potatoes to gain more flavor or serve them right away, as you prefer.

I hope you try this stew because it is delicious and if you feel like it, you can visit my blog Cakes for you, where you will find new recipes.

The flavor and seasoning of the potato stew with chanterelles are excellent companions for many other preparations. You can make chanterelles with potatoes and meat, as they go very well with chorizo, ham or, of course, ribs.

Potatoes with ribs and chanterelles are a very popular autumn dish, and they are delicious! Preparing them will not take you much longer than the initial recipe, so you can spoil your loved ones and prepare a good family dinner with this dish.

The most common is to use pork ribs. To make it, all you have to do is follow the steps detailed below:

  1. Brown the ribs, previously marinated or marinated, in olive oil. Reserve them.
  2. Sauté the vegetables in the same oil, as explained in the recipe for potatoes with chanterelles.
  3. Incorporate the potatoes and add the ribs, white wine, water, salt and bay leaf.
  4. Finally, add the chanterelles and continue with the preparation until ready.

If you want to know tips about How to marinate meat, we invite you to visit our article about it and discover all the tips you need to prepare the most delicious meats!

Miscalls with potatoes in Thermo mix

If you like stews to be more integrated and you have a food processor at home; you can prepare some delicious potatoes with chanterelles in the Thermo mix. The recipe does not vary too much; you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Blend the peppers, onion and garlic in the Thermo mix on speed 10, for 10 seconds.
  2. Add the oil and program the robot at Aroma temperature, at speed 1 for 7 minutes.
  3. Put the butterflies on the blades, cut the potatoes and add them. Cook for 2 minutes at 100ºC, speed 1.
  4. Add the chanterelles, the bay leaf, the wine, the water and the other ingredients. Program at Aroma temperature for 25 minutes, at speed 1.
  5. Before removing the preparation, check that the potato is soft. If it isn’t, schedule a few more minutes.

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