Mining Enchiladas Recipe

In the region of Guanajuato, Mexico, there is a great variety of dishes considered typical and of great relevance. Within this variety, the mining enchiladas are one of the most outstanding dishes due to their history and their delicious flavor. This recipe is characterized by being simple to prepare and containing ingredients that are easy to get, as well as very cheap. This is so precisely due to its origin, which dates back to colonial times.

At this article, we care about sharing traditional recipes, easy to make and delicious in order to take care of food and enjoy truly extraordinary dishes. For this reason, below we explain how to make mining enchiladas inspired by the original recipe. We invite you to continue with us and discover this incredible preparation, you will leave anyone who tries them open-mouthed.

Ingredients to make Mining Enchiladas:

• 16 pieces of corn tortilla

• 250 grams of lard

• 12 pieces of guajillo chili

• 1 clove garlic

• 1 pinch of cumin

• ½ teaspoon oregano

• 400 grams of ranch cheese

• ½ kilogram of potatoes, diced and cooked

• ½ kilogram of carrot, diced and cooked

• 1 pinch of salt

How to make mining enchiladas:

Place the guajillo chilies in a saucepan of boiling water until softened. Once soft, remove them and open them to devein them and leave them very clean. Prepare the sauce for the enchiladas mineras by placing the chilies, the peeled clove of garlic, the oregano, the cumin and a pinch of salt in the blender. Blend until you get a homogeneous mixture. Take the tortillas and dip them in the sauce until they are completely covered by it. As with other enchiladas, such as ranchera enchiladas, mining enchiladas are characterized by absorbing all the flavor of the sauce that accompanies them, thus offering an exquisite dish full of flavor. You can make your own tortillas by following the Mexican Corn Tortillas Recipe.

Separately, in a hot frying pan place the lard and, once melted, fry the tortillas until they are partially golden. At this point, remove them from the heat and set them aside for a moment. Take the potatoes and carrots cut into cubes, place them in the same pan where you have cooked the tortillas and fry these ingredients for approximately 5 minutes.

Take the enchilada tortillas and fill them with some type of meat that you have at home, it can be chicken, beef or pork or just cheese. If what you want is to make traditional mining enchiladas, the ideal is to use chicken, traditional is chicken. Also, remember to cook the meat by sautéing it first. Once the enchiladas are filled, place them on a plate and accompany them with the carrot and fried potatoes and a little shredded ranchero cheese. And ready! Now you can enjoy this incredible recipe for mining enchiladas, full of history, tradition and flavor.

History of mining enchiladas

The origin of mining enchiladas dates back to colonial times, the heyday of New Spain. It owes its name to the fact that during this period the main economic activity was mining and it was customary for the miners’ wives to prepare dishes like this one, practical, nutritious and economical. In this way, the miners were well fed and could gather the necessary strength and energy to carry out their arduous work.

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