Mimosa cake recipe

The mimosa cake is of Italian origin and is usually made to commemorate International Women’s Day, on March 8. Its striking decoration, a Genoese sponge cut into small yellow cubes, simulates the mimosa flower, which is precisely the symbol of Women’s Day in Italy. This recipe consists of a tart with a mild flavor thanks to its lemon-flavored diplomatic cream filling, which goes very well with the layers of Genoese sponge cake.

If you want to know how to make sweet mimosa cake easily and accurately, keep reading, because in this article we have the best recipe to make at home and enjoy with your loved ones. Let’s go with the ingredients!

Ingredients to make mimosa cake:

  • For the cream:
  • 75 grams of sugar
  • 2 egg yolks L
  • 25 grams of cornstarch
  • 225 milliliters of milk
  • 1 small lemon (its zest)
  • 125 milliliters of whipping cream
  • For the cake:
  • 6 eggs L
  • 150 grams of sugar (¾ cup)
  • 1 pinch of yellow food coloring
  • 150 grams of common flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • For the syrup:
  • 50 milliliters of water
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 25 milliliters of cointreau (or any other liquor of your liking)

How to make mimosa tart:

  1. To make the mimosa cake recipe, you must first know that it has several steps. First prepare the filling cream.
  2.  To do this, put the egg yolks in a bowl along with the sugar and cornstarch, mix well so that there are no lumps of cornstarch.
  3. Put the milk in a saucepan and heat, it is not necessary that it comes to a boil.
  4. Add a scoop of milk to the bowl where you had the yolks, cornstarch and sugar.
  5.  Meanwhile, beat constantly so that the yolks do not curdle. Keep adding more milk and continue beating until all is gone.
  6. Add the lemon zest and mix.
  7. Add everything back to the saucepan and cook over low heat while stirring constantly until you get a very thick cream.
  8. Remove the cream from the heat and pour into another bowl. Then, cover with plastic wrap and let cool Once cool, add it to the fridge.
  9. When the cream is cold, mount the cream with some electric rods. To do this, she removes the cream from the fridge and beats a little so that it is not so caked together and gradually adds the cream while mixing with a spatula.
  10. Reserve in the fridge until use.
  11. When you have the filling cream, proceed to the elaboration of the sponge cake for the mimosa cake.
  12. To do this, put the eggs together with the sugarin a large bowl and beat very well with an electric whisk until the yolks foam and have a whitish color.
  13. Add the yellow food coloring and beat again to integrate well.
  14. Sift the flour together with a pinch of salt and stir well with a hand whisk, but with enveloping movements so as not to lower the airy texture of the cake.
  15. Next, preheat the oven to 170ºC. Then, grease a removable round mold of about 15 cm in diameter and another of the same size, or somewhat larger, since they do not need to be the same, since the 15 cm one must be filled, but the other must be cut into pieces.
  16.  Distribute the dough equally in the two molds. Next, bake at 170ºC with heat up and down for 35 minutes.
  17. Check if they are cooked by inserting a toothpick or skewer inside, it should not come out with remains of dough.
  18. Tip: if you notice that they are browning very quickly, cover the molds with aluminum foil and continue cooking.
  19. Once cooked, let rest for 5 minutes and unmold. Then, let the two molds cool completely on a wire rack
  20. Meanwhile, prepare the homemade syrup. To do this, mix the water with the sugar and bring to a boil.
  21.  Then, remove from the heat and add the Cointreau or the liquor of your choice. Mix and let cool.
  22. Finally, continue with the assembly of the mimosa cake. To do this, you must use the 15 cm cake to fill.
  23.  Cut the other cake into small squares and remove with a serrated knife, firstly the hardest and most colored edges and, secondly, cut the cake into strips and, in turn, into small cubes . Booking.
  24. Cut the other cake into three thin layers. To do this, measure well and cut with a sharp serrated knife. Place the first sheet of cake on the presentation plate and brush with the Cointreau
  25. Divide the filling cream into three parts and spread one of the layers on the cake.
  26. Cover with a second layer of cake, brush with the syrup and spread the second half of the filling cream.
  27. Place the last sheet of cake on the mimosa cake and brush again with what is left of the syrup. This time, cover the entire cake with the filling cream.
  28. Go placing the small cubes of cake that you had reserved for the mimosa cake, also on the walls until it is completely lined.
  29. You must press a little so that the pieces of cake are adhered to the cream.
  30. Finally, decorate with a laminated strawberry and some mint leaves. Reserve in the fridge to take shape until serving time.
  31. We already have the spectacular easy mimosa cake ready. Easier to do than you expected.


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