Millet Burgers Recipe

Millet is a gluten-free cereal with a high fiber content, which makes it ideal for those with diabetes, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, constipation and for those looking to lose weight or eat healthy.

For those who are not used to consuming it, it is as versatile as rice and here we share with you a preparation based on this cereal: vegan burgers. Continue reading and discover in Free

Ingredients to make millet burgers:

  • 1 cup of millet
  • 3 cups of water (720 milliliters)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 100 grams of mashed potato
  • 1 tablespoon low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon grated cheese
  • 1 dessert spoon of nutmeg
  • 1 onion

How to make Millet Burgers:

  1. Rinse the millet through a strainer directly under running water.
  2. Place the millet in a pot with the 3 cups of water and heat over high heat.
  3. When it comes to a boil, lower the heat and cook it for 15-20 minutes until it is tender and the water has been consumed.
  4. While cooking, preheat the oven to 200ºC. Separately, caramelize the onion.
  5. To do this, peel it, chop it and sauté it with 1 teaspoon of oil.
  6. Once browned, lower the heat to medium-low and add 2 tablespoons of hot water.
  7. Stir. Repeat this process each time the water evaporates to achieve the caramelized effect without sugar or large amounts of oil or butter. Turn off the heat and reserve them.
  8. Mix the caramelized onion, soy sauce, grated cheese, nutmeg and mashed potatoes in a bowl.
  9. If you prefer, you can make your burgers with millet and carrots, pumpkin or any other vegetables you like.
  10.  You just have to chop it and cook it beforehand to mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
  11. Tip: to cook the potato and not make it too wet, we recommend that you do it in the microwave. To do this, wash it and prick it with a fork.
  12. Cook for 5 minutes and flip to cook for 5 more minutes. If you don’t have a microwave, you can cook it whole in boiling water.
  13. Add the cooked millet to the previous preparation and integrate it. You will see that with just a spoon you can easily form the vegan millet burgers.
  14. If you want them to be more perfect, you can use a metal hoop to shape them.
  15.  Cook the millet patties in a nonstick skillet with 1 teaspoon of oil spread over the bottom. Keep the heat on high so they cook on the outside, then turn it down to medium so they heat through to the center. If you have made them thinner it will not be necessary.
  16. Tip: you can check that they are hot enough by placing your finger on the center of the burger. If it feels warm, the heat has already reached the center.
  17. Once you’ve got your vegan millet burgers hot, turn up the heat and flip them over to brown the other side.
  18. When you achieve that golden brown, you will be able to serve and enjoy your millet burgers.
  19. Remember that it does not have raw ingredients, so you do not need to reach any temperature or respect a particular time.

Nutritional Information for Millet Burgers and Sides

These nutritious millet patties provide just 90 calories each and 6.5% of the daily fiber recommendation.

To complete this dish with a protein source food, we recommend adding some cheese or tofu on top of the burgers and accompanying them with vegetables, such as pumpkin puree or a fresh salad.


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