Milanese rice recipe for children

If there are some demanding diners, those are the children. Parents or representatives have to resort to a thousand tricks to satisfy the tastes of the little ones.

For children, the rule of “food enters through the eyes first” is very true, so we bring you this attractive and tasty recipe: Milanese rice for children. Yes, that “for children” is a challenge to our creative gifts. For this reason, we recommends this easy recipe. Get ready! The little ones will ask to make this recipe with you and it will be a lot of fun.

Ingredients to make Milanese rice for children:

  • Rice Breaded
  • 1 cup of white rice
  • 2 pieces of sausages
  • 100 grams of Bacon or pancetta
  • 2 pieces of ripe tomatoes
  • ½ piece of Onion
  • 2 cups of water (480 milliliters)
  • Decor
  • 2 grains of black pepper
  • 1 piece of sausage
  • 2 wooden sticks

How to make Milanese rice for children:

  1. If you think kids recipes are fun, let them help you make this one. Let’s do it! To begin with, wash the tomatoes, if you submerge them in water with vinegar better. Using a knife, make an X on one end before bringing to a boil.
  2. When the tomatoes boil, remove the saucepan from the burner to continue making the Milanese rice for children.
  3. In a container filled with cold water, submerge the tomatoes for a few seconds to stop the cooking.
  4. Now, to peel the tomatoes, find the X that you cut before cooking them, take one of the ends and pull to remove the skin.
  5. As you can see, with this method it is very easy and quick to peel them
  6. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seeds. Then chop them into small squares.
  7. When the tomatoes are ready, chop the rest of the ingredients necessary to prepare the Milanese rice for children and reserve them for a moment.
  8. Place the chopped onion in a saucepan and fry it with a little oil.
  9. When the onion is transparent, add the bacon and sausage. Stir constantly with a wooden spoon to fully integrate the flavors of these products.
  10. Trick: Add salt to taste, just when you are frying the onion.
  11. Add the tomato to the sauce and continue stirring.
  12. Integrate well with the spoon and continue with the recipe for children.
  13. Add the uncooked rice and mix until all the ingredients are integrated.
  14.  As you can see, to make the Milanese rice we add this raw product to cook it in the next step.
  15. Add the 2 cups of water, stir and cover. Let the rice with vegetables and sausages cook for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
  16. When the water in the saucepan has been consumed, the Milanese rice will be ready.
  17. It’s time for creativity… Let’s decorate the Milanese rice for children! In a small saucepan place water and, when it starts to boil, put the sausages.
  18.  Boil the sausage for 7 minutes. When the sausages are ready reserve.
  19. We have chosen to present the Milanese rice in the shape of a pig, so it will be much more fun for children. To do this, use a deep plate or some round-shaped container, put the rice inside and crush it with a spoon, until it compacts.
  20. Tip: The rice must be hot, so it will unmold easily.
  21. Place a flat plate on top and flip quickly. Ready the pig’s face! Now…
  22. Ready for the details? Let’s do it! If it is about fun children’s recipes, you can enjoy this a lot.
  23. Cut the half of the sausage you reserved into slices and use 2 slices for the cheeks.
  24. Make a 45 degree cut on the other two slices on each side, they will be the little pig’s ears. With a wooden stick place the ears in the rice.
  25. Then use the fifth slice, make a crescent cut and use it for the mouth.
  26. Take the other half of the sausage and divide it in two: one will be the nose and the other the bowtie. Make two long holes in the nose with the knife and remove the leftovers.
  27.  For the bowtie, divide the sausage into two parts, opening it in half, so there will be two faces. You will have a rectangle, just in the middle cut a triangle above and below, leaving only the space of the knot.
  28.  With another slice in the shape of a crescent, placed in the place of the knot, the bowtie will be ready.
  29. The final touch… two pepper balls for the eyes.
  30. This recipe for Milanese rice for children is very easy and very fun.
  31. You can even ask the little ones to help you decorate the plate, they will really enjoy it!


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