Microwave zucchini recipe with tuna and tomato

When you don’t have time to cook, you use what is most practical, as is the case in which we have decided to cook zucchini in the microwave to prepare a succulent second course. The microwave zucchini with tuna and tomato that we detail step by step is a perfect recipe to take to the office, since it can be eaten both hot and cold. Also, instead of having to load the pan with so much oil to fry the zucchini, we are going to use a fifth of it.

We show you how to cook zucchini in the microwave with tuna and tomato to enjoy all the juice of this vegetable, which is presented accompanied by two versatile ingredients such as tuna and tomato sauce. And in a much healthier and easier to collect way.

Ingredients to make Microwave Zucchini with Tuna and Tomato:

  • 1 zucchini
  • 2 cans of Tuna
  • 1 cup of fried onion
  • 1½ tablespoons of Salt
  • 4 tablespoons tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of Oregano
  • 130 milliliters of olive oil

How to make Microwave Zucchini with Tuna and Tomato:

  1. First of all, we prepare the ingredients that we are going to use to make this zucchini in the microwave. In our case we use tomato sauce fried in olive oil but you can make a homemade tomato sauce if you have time.
  2. Peel the zucchini and cut it into cubes, as if it were a vegetable ratatouille. If you prefer, you can choose not to peel the zucchini.
  3.  Personally, except when it is to make a filling and always cooked, it is a finer vegetable like this, peeled.
  4. We are going to make a spicy tomato sauce for the microwave zucchini with tomato recipe, so we mix the Provencal herbs with the natural fried tomato in olive oil.
  5. Pour the zucchini into a microwave – safe container.
  6.  On the zucchini we add the tuna, the fried tomato, and we season our recipe for zucchini with tuna in the microwave.
  7. Remove and put in the microwave covered. We program 20 minutes, after which time we check the cooking point of the zucchini with tomato in the microwave.
  8.  Let it cool down and add the fried onion to finish the zucchini with tuna and tomato recipe.
  9. Tip: My microwave has a maximum power of 800, so you can calculate times and adapt them to your own microwave.

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