Microwave Sweet Potato Recipe

Sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, yams, no matter what we call it, the sweet potato has many names and even more ways to prepare it. Most people usually cook it in the oven or steam it, but the truth is that we can save a lot of time and obtain very similar results if we use the microwave. In just 15 minutes, we can have delicious sweet potatoes ready to combine with any dish.

Despite being known for its sweet taste, the sweet potato, originally from America, is a super healthy vegetable whose antioxidant properties protect us from metabolic diseases. In the kitchen, we can combine it perfectly with purées, pastas, risottos, legumes, roasts, or consume it without companions. In this article we bring you this recipe for microwave sweet potatoes, so you can try it and take advantage of the properties of sweet potatoes in your favorite dishes.

Ingredients to make Sweet potato in the microwave:

  • 2 sweet potatoes
  • Plastic wrap or kitchen paper

How to make Sweet Potato in the microwave:

As we do with baked sweet potatoes, the first thing you should do is wash them well in plenty of water. Subsequently, prick those several times to make it easier for the heat to enter the sweet potato.

Wrap them in plastic wrap or kitchen paper and place them on a plate. You can also seal them in a Lekue steam case.

Put the dish in the microwave and place it at a power of between 800-1000 watts for about 15-20 minutes. Cooking times vary depending on the sweet potato, so you can check to make sure it’s already cooked.

Tip: After the first 10 minutes, you can flip the sweet potatoes in the microwave so they cook completely on both sides.

Once the time is up, leave the sweet potatoes in the microwave for a few more minutes and take them out. You can easily remove the skin and serve it as a side dish in your favorite dishes.

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