Microwave Roasted Peppers Recipe

Save time and make a lot less mess by cooking roasted peppers in the microwave thanks to this easy recipe that we show you. You will see that I have used a red and a yellow pepper but you can use green ones too. In the end, the color of the vegetables does not matter because what matters is that the microwave peppers are very meaty and large, which will make peeling easier later.

If you want to learn how to make roasted peppers in the microwave, follow these simple steps and eat!

Ingredients to make Microwave Roasted Peppers:

2 peppers (red and yellow about 400 grams each)

For the dressing:

  • 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 splash of white or apple cider vinegar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 perejil pizza, chopped (dry or fresh)

How to make Microwave Roasted Peppers:

Gather the ingredients to begin microwaving the peppers. Then wash the vegetables very well under the tap and drain and dry well.

Tip: The larger and meatier the peppers, the better they will peel once roasted.

Place the peppers (the 2 if they fit) in a microwave-safe salad, bowl or container and cover them with plastic wrap, a silicone or glass lid, or a plate slightly larger than the container and set the microwave to maximum power. For 8-10 minutes.

Tip: If you prefer, you can make the roasted peppers in the microwave one at a time, but it will take longer at the end.

After this time, turn the roasted peppers over, taking care not to burn yourself, and program them again for another 8-10 minutes.

After 20 minutes, they are probably not fully roasted if you have placed the 2 peppers at the same time (if you have placed only one, it is already done) so, turn them over again and continue roasting the peppers in the microwave for about 5 minutes more or until you see that the skin has wrinkled everywhere, that’s the point where they will be well done.

Once completely done, let the roasted peppers cool directly in the microwave without removing them so that they sweat and thus finish removing all the skin from the meat of the vegetable.

Tip: When serving, once they are cold you can peel them or not (I prefer not to peel them).

Prepare the microwave roasted pepper salad dressing by mixing all the ingredients to taste in a bowl. When they have cooled, peel the peppers in the microwave if you want, remove the stem and the seeds from the inside and then cut them into more or less thick strips. Pour the dressing on top and serve the microwave roasted peppers with the vinaigrette.

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