Microwave Roasted Apples Recipe

To prepare these simple and delicious roasted apples you will only have to wait 12 minutes for them to be done because, this time, in this article we have prepared an express recipe made in the microwave. That’s right, it is also possible to microwave apples! They are just as tasty as those cooked in the oven but they are much faster to make.

We encourage you to try this wonderful recipe for microwave roasted apples and serve them accompanied with different ingredients each time you repeat. You can eat the microwave roasted apples with honey, with a sprinkle of cinnamon… the possibilities are endless!

Ingredients to make Microwave Roasted Apples:

  • 4 pieces of Gala apple (or another type)
  • 1 dessert spoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup of honey
  • 1 ladle of water

How to make Microwave Roasted Apples:

  1. Choose some good applesto prepare the recipe.
  2. Gala type apples are an old variety from Greytown, New Zealand, which arises from the cross between “kids orange” and “golden delicious”.
  3. All in all, these apples are great for baking, grilling, or serving in salads as they are fleshy and sweet with low acidity.
  4. Wash the apples and remove the core with a corer or a knife.
  5. Put the apples in a microwave-safe container and pour the water inside. What Microwave Apple Roasting Container Can You Use?
  6. One that is not metallic and has a lid to generate steam inside and cook the food.
  7. Mix the honey with the ground cinnamon until you get a toasted paste.
  8. With the same teaspoon with which you have prepared this mixture, introduce it into the hole with the four apples.
  9. Cover the container and cook the apples in the microwave for 12 minutes at maximum power. Let them cool down a bit in the microwave so you don’t burn yourself from the steam.
  10. Tip: If more time is needed, cook the roasted apples in the microwave for 3 more minutes.
  11. Ready! A simple and quick dessert. Microwaved roasted apples will release a syrupy juice that you can drizzle over them when serving.
  12. You can eat them hot or cold and accompany them with whipped cream or whipped cream.
  13. These sugar-free microwave roasted apples are delicious and lighter because they do not contain this ingredient. It is true that honey increases the calories, but it can also be omitted.


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