Microwave Potato Chips Recipe

Microwave cooking is a very healthy system and a great example of this is cooking French fries in it. The amount of oil is going to be minimal, just enough to give it that characteristic flavor that reminds us of frying potatoes in a traditional way, but saving us a lot of calories and with a very rich flavor as well.

In this article we encourage you to try to make delicious microwave fries in a simple way and in a few steps. Keep reading to find out with us how to make French fries in the microwave, the cooking time, the calories they have and much more.

Ingredients to make French fries in the microwave:

  • 800 grams of potatoes
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make French fries in the microwave:

Peel the potatoes, wash them and dry them with absorbent kitchen paper. Divide the potatoes in two to work them better and cut small sticks, more or less the same size, since this way they will cook evenly. As a tip, if you want crispy microwave fries, cut them thinner. Then, put the potato sticks in a microwave-safe bowl and pour over the three tablespoons of olive oil, although it also works with sunflower.

Tip: You can also add a little paprika to give your microwave fries a touch of color and flavor.

Put the potatoes in the microwave at maximum power for 5 minutes. Take the bowl out, being careful not to burn yourself, and stir the potatoes. Introduce them again another 5 minutes at maximum power.

Take the bowl out of the microwave again, being careful not to burn yourself, and check the doneness of the potatoes. If they are not, stir and put the fries back in the microwave for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on whether the potatoes are more or less whole and the power of your microwave oven. Once ready, take them out of the microwave and add salt to taste. Serve right away.

Tip: Do not add salt at the beginning of cooking because it tends to soften the potatoes.

The cooking time of our microwave fries has been 13 minutes in total, but remember that this may vary depending on the power of the appliance, the size of the sticks, the size of the container. When serving, you can add to the potatoes some dry spices such as rosemary, thyme, oregano or the spice that you like the most.

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