Microwave Pizza Recipe

We share a great idea to make homemade pizza in just 5 minutes. This recipe will be a great temptation for everyone, since exquisite dough is achieved in a short time. You will only have to decide the filling and cook the pizza in the microwave, without the need for an oven! Also, this is a microwave pizza with a grill, but also without it. The difference between using it or not is that it will be more crispy with the grill and fluffier without the grill.

Do not miss the recipe to learn how to prepare this wonderful quick and easy pizza dough and enjoy a delicious dish. There are no more excuses for making your own pizza, so get down to work, discover how to make perfectly crispy microwave pizza.

Ingredients to make Microwave Pizza:

  • 300 grams of strength flour (great strength 0)
  • 60 milliliters of olive oil
  • 120 milliliters of warm water
  • 1 packet of dry baker’s yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to make Pizza in microwave:

  1. Mix the liquid ingredients first. You can prepare the microwave pizza dough by hand or with the help of a mixer.
  2. Add the solid ingredients and mix
  3. When the dough acquires enough texture to be able to knead it on the table, remove it and knead until it is completely smooth.
  4. Remember to sprinkle the table with flour beforehand.
  5. Shape the dough into a ball, place it in a large container and let it double in volume, covering it with a clean cloth.
  6. For this dough, 15 minutes at room temperature will be enough.
  7. Tip:You can also leave the covered container in the oven off to protect the dough from drafts.
  8. Once you have the dough and it has doubled in volume, you can work it to form the base of the pizza.
  9. To do this, we recommend you put a little oil on a piece of kitchen paper and rub the work table with it. Thus, the dough will not stick.
  10. Tip:With the amounts of this recipe you can make two pizzas in the microwave. 
  11. If you only want to make one, you can wrap the remaining dough in plastic wrap and freeze it.
  12. Make a ball with half the dough and flatten it with a rolling pin until it is 1 centimeter thick.
  13. Once this is done, put it on a plate to take it to the microwave, for the moment, without any type of filling.
  14. In this way, cook the pizza base in the microwave for 3 minutes at maximum power.
  15. Trick:Go preparing the ingredients that you are going to use, without overlooking the tomato base.
  16. We use two types of creamy cheese, cooked ham, red pepper, chopped onion, oregano and pepper.
  17. There will be very juicy pizza dough with a cushiony appearance, this is the idea for a good soft and tender base, so to get a crispy microwave pizza, and you just have to leave it for one more minute.
  18. Now you can fillit, but always spread the base with tomato and sprinkle the spices below so that they do not burn and flavor the entire pizza.
  19. Return the pizza to the microwave and let it cook for 2 more minutes, the time necessary for the cheese to melt and the ingredients to cook, as long as they are very small or chopped pieces. If you use larger pieces, you will have to leave it a little longer.

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