Microwave pastry cream recipe

Pastry cream is one of the most used sweet creams in the world of confectionery. It is used to fill all kinds of cakes, croissants, cupcakes, puff pastry and a long etcetera. However, doing it can be a bit of a chore because you have to constantly stir the mixture, but we have the solution! For those people who have just entered the preparation of desserts and are looking for quick and easy recipes, we show how to make pastry cream in the microwave.

Yes, oddly enough it is possible to make pastry cream in the microwave and it won’t take you more than 5 minutes. Also, if your microwave is very powerful, you can even have it ready in 3 minutes! Follow the step-by-step recipe for microwave pastry cream that we share and let yourself be surprised by its texture and flavor, practically the same as those of traditional cream.

Ingredients to make Microwave Pastry Cream:

  • 250 milliliters of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 cinnamon stick (optional)

How to make Pastry Cream in the microwave:

  1. Mix the cornstarch with the sugar using a spoon, hand whisk or fork. You can use regular sugar or icing sugar.
  2. Likewise, if you don’t have cornstarch you can replace it with rice flour, the amount is the same.
  3. If you want to flavor the cream with the cinnamon stick, we recommend separating 50 ml of milk and heating it for 1 minute in the microwave with the cinnamon.
  4. Tip: To make your light pastry cream in the microwave, use brown sugar or sweetener.
  5. Break the yolks and beat them lightly. In order not to discard the whites, we encourage you to prepare homemade Swiss meringue with them. Of course, do not try to make the pastry cream in the microwave with the whole eggs because it will not turn out well.
  6. Mix the yolks with the milk and the vanilla essence with some manual rods. If you decided to heat the 50 ml of milk with the cinnamon stick, remove it and add the infused milk to this mixture.
  7. Add little by little the cornstarch and sugar and integrate these ingredients with the same rods. There should be no lumps, so mix well.
  8. Heat the pastry cream in the microwave for 2 minutes at maximum power.
  9. After this time, remove it, mix with the rods and reheat it at intervals of half a minute or a minute, depending on how powerful your microwave is.
  10. Remove the cream every time you add time and stir for a few seconds.
  11.  As you whisk, you’ll see the thick cream. It will be ready when it acquires the typical consistency of pastry cream and you can form drawings with the rods.
  12. In our case, we have had to heat it for a total of 5 minutes, adding 1-minute intervals to prevent it from burning.
  13.  But as we said at the beginning, if your microwave is very powerful, 3 minutes may be enough. Conversely, if it is less powerful, you may need a little more time.
  14. And ready! You already have your microwave pastry cream ready to use.
  15. If you are not going to use it immediately, we recommend covering it with a sheet of plastic wrap so that it directly touches the cream.
  16. In this way, a thick bed will not be created on the surface. When it cools, it may thicken a little more, you just have to beat again with the rods and that’s it.


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