Microwave Oatmeal Recipe

If you are one of those who rush in the morning, but you do not want to give up a healthy breakfast, you will love these microwave oatmeal porridge, also known as oatmeal porridge, it will be your perfect recipe to start the day off right. Also ideal for athletes or for those who want to reduce their cholesterol, since everyone knows that regular consumption of oats helps keep cholesterol at bay. Therefore, if you want your porridge to be perfect, whatever microwave you have, you have come to the perfect place. You will only need 3 minutes to make this porridge!

Ingredients to make Microwave Oatmeal:

  • 50 grams of oat flakes (1/2 cup)
  • 200 milliliters of oat milk (1 cup)
  • 1 tablespoon agave syrup (honey or any other sweetener)

How to make Microwave Oatmeal:

  1. Are you wondering how to make porridge to lose weight or to follow a good eating plan? Well, to make the microwave porridge recipe, first in a microwave-safe bowl add the oat flakes and pour the milk on top.
  2. Also incorporate a tablespoon or two of the agave syrup or the sweetener that you like the most. You don’t need to stir.
  3. Put the bowl in the microwave and cook at maximum power for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove the bowl carefully so as not to burn yourself and stir the porridge.
  5. Then put it back in the microwave for another half-minute.
  6. Although it is a guideline, it will depend on your microwave, but an infallible fact is not to lose sight of that half a minute more, since it will be ready when it starts to boil and the porridge rises upwards.
  7. Then remove quickly so the microwaved porridge doesn’t spill.
  8. Let it lose a bit of temperature before consuming.
  9. You can serve the microwave porridge as is, with a little cinnamon, with chopped fruit, with dried fruit or with a few drops of chocolate.


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