Michelada with Shrimp

Ingredients to make Michelada with shrimp:

  1. 1 can of light to brown beer
  2. 1 dessert spoon Worcestershire sauce or Worcestershire sauce
  3. 1 lemon
  4. 200 cubic centimeters of tomato juice
  5. 200 grams of shrimp
  6. 2 celery stalks
  7. salt to taste
  8. pepper to taste
  9. ice
  10. chili pepper to taste

How to make Michelada with shrimp:

  • In a skillet, sauté the shrimp tails with salt and pepper. Booking.
  • Tip: If you don’t have shrimp, you can make it with whatever shellfish you have available.
  • Take the glass or glass in which you will serve the drink, frost it by moistening the rim with lemon juice and passing it through a mixture of hot pepper and salt.
  • Add ice to the glass, pour in the Worcestershire sauce, a little chili pepper and the lemon juice. Stir mixing well.
  • To the previous mixture, now add the tomato juice.
  • Finally, add the beer until the glass is full.
  • Tip: In this case, we use a blonde beer, but you can use brown, red or whatever you like.
  • Place the sautéed shrimp on a skewer stick. Decorate the glass with some celery sticks and enjoy your michelada with shrimp, exquisite!

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